Top 5 Harmful Foods

Although I am anti-deprivation and pro-filling your plate with a bountiful of various fresh foods, there are some damaging foods you need to know about to avoid any further detrimental long-term effects to your body. These usually won’t kill you if you consume them once, but over time they are gauranteed to drain your energy level, jack up your hormones (yes men, you fo sho have hormones too!), make your skin wrinkly, pack on the pounds, and significantly increase your risk of cancer and disease by leaps and bounds. What’s sad is that these foods are in the majority of people’s every day diet. And….we wonder why the cancer rate has drastically increased to 1 out of 2 people. It’s pretty easy to see why when you take a step back and look at what most people are eating every day, not to mention stress, toxins, etc. YOU CAN live a healthy life free of disease! It’s not all that hard, just eat clean, be happy, drink water, get rest, get grounded, and find ways to manage your stress.

As much as you can, try to avoid these foods that will make you a sicko.

1. Sugar

White sugar is one of the most detrimental elements for our health. Not only does it cause inflammation, suppress the immune system, cause infection to grow, and create chronic fatigue, but it is the #1 food choice for cancer. As far back as 1957 in his article published in the Michigan Organic News, Dr. William Coda classified sugar as a poison because it is stripped of life forces, vitamins and minerals. “What is left consists of pure, refined carbohydrates. Incomplete carbohydrate metabolism results in the formation of `toxic metabolite` such as pyruvic acid. This interferes with the function of a part of the body and is the beginning of degenerative disease”. Read your labels carefully because sugar is in almost all processed foods. Here are more resources on the dangers of sugar:


2. Dirty Dairy

Dirty dairy is any kind of dairy that is non-organic and pasteurized. The only kind of dairy that has some nutritional value is if it is raw or unpasteurized and organic from grass-fed cows, sheep, or goats. When milk is pasteurized it completely kills all nutrient value, rendering it a completely dead food. This requires significant amounts of energy and work for the body to process the food when you consume it, leaving you fatigued. Homogenized dairy is even worse as it completely denatures all the proteins and becomes even more toxic to consume. Dairy is also a mucous forming food. If you have ever struggled with allergies, sinus infections, or digestive distress, most likely you have excessive mucous production in your body. Mucus production is a result of the body’s protective mechanism, but too much mucous results in malabsorption of foods in the digestive tract, leading to malnourishment, and degenerative disease. On top of being mucous forming, the worst part is the fact that commercialized dairy these days is full of artificial hormones, steroids, and antibiotics. It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to consume dairy products with these dangerous elements and not be damaged at some level from them.

Now to clear up a few myths of milk and diary.

1. It does not prevent osteoporosis, but actually causes it!

2. It does not increase calcium levels, nor is it the best source.

3. Low-fat dairy is not healthier.

Here are more resources on dirty dairy:


3. Gluten

To keep it short and simple, modern wheat and grains is night and day different to what was available in the Bible days. There is a common misconception that whole wheat is actually healthy for you. I used to think this as well, but the truth is, even whole grain wheat can be damaging to our bodies. Did you know that the wheat grain available in ancient times didn’t actually contain gluten? Interesting huh? The wheat grain back then is referred to as Einkorn Wheat and doesn’t contain any gluten nor does it compare to regular grains. This type of wheat is very nutritious! Modern day gluten-containing foods damage our intestinal lining and cause inflammation, always leading to degenerative effects on the body. Remember our talk about sugar? As soon as we eat foods containing gluten, it immediately changes into sugar in our system and has all of the same destructive effects. Here are more resources on gluten:


4. Hydrogenated & Partially Hydrogenated Oils

These oils are also known as trans-fats and are extremely dangerous. These oils are used in many processed foods, deep fried foods, pastries, and many store-bought cookies and crackers. They are a major culprit to heart disease, chronic inflammation, joint pain, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease, & birth defects. They are SO dangerous that they have actually been outlawed in states like New York! Here are more resources on these oils:


5. GMO Foods

These “wanna-be” foods also known as “Frankenfoods” are extremely dangerous not only for our bodies but for our children and their children. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. Basically, these foods are created in a laboratory where their genes are modified. This genius (insert sarcastic tone here) invention was created by the most evil corporation on the planet, Monsanto. GMO foods are manipulated genetically so when the crops are sprayed with highly toxic RoundUp and pesticides, they don’t die. Read more about GMO foods and how they have recently been scientifically proven to cause cancer, tumors, and premature death here-

Here is a great resource to learn how to avoid GMO foods-


 So, guys, do what you can to avoid these nasties and keep it fresh with local produce, clean meats (if you eat it), nuts, seeds, healthy fats, and gluten-free whole grains. You can do it! Have an awesome day soaking up the sunshine and getting your Vitamin D!

-Your Health Coach-

Jessica, RN, BSN, CHC


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How to go Gluten-Free & LOVE it! (Part 3 of 3)

Hey Friends!

Finally part 3 to my Gluten-Free series has arrived! This is the FUN part! Today, I’m going to give you some awesome tools to going gluten-free and how you can make it taste delicious and not ruin your life…because let’s be honest, in the beginning of a huge lifestyle change like this, it can suck all the fun out of life. I am here to tell you, it does NOT have to be that way.

I’ve been gluten, sugar, and dirty-dairy free for about 4 years. It’s been a big transition, but a challenge I have actually loved! Below you’ll find some of my favorite recipes and alternatives to traditional gluten-filled foods.

Transitional foods

Instead of….                          Choose…

Pasta                                       Quinoa or brown rice pasta (it comes in all shapes and sizes)

Bread                                      Gluten-Free breads. Udi’s usually has the best taste. OR cut out the bread in  your life!

Tortillas                                 Sprouted or gluten-free tortillas OR lettuce

Soy Sauce                               Organic Tamari or Braggs Aminos

Crackers                                 Gluten-free crackers

Cakes                                      Dangerously Delicious Chocolate Cake! See recipe below…

Cookies                                   There are many gluten-free cookies you can buy OR make some yourself!

Muffins                                   Use a gluten-free flour mix and make your own!

Breakdown of all bread products

  • Hamburger buns
  • Hotdog buns
  • Pasta in all forms
  • Sandwich bread
  • Dinner rolls
  • Bread for dips
  • Tortillas
  • Wraps
  • Baked goods
  • Pie crust (CHECK OUT

ALL of these items can EASILY be replaced with either a gluten-free bread alternative OR by just going “bun-less” or “bread-less”! I promise, it’s not that scary! 🙂

5 Tips for eating out

  1. Ask for a gluten-free menu or options if that restaurant has one.
  2. Choose your favorite burger or sandwich without the bread. Get it lettuce wrapped
  3. Order your favorite salad, just make sure there are no croutons or fried food items.
  4. Avoid soy sauce at Asian cuisine as soy sauce contains gluten. Bring your own gluten-free tamari or simply order something with no soy sauce.
  5. If you eat animal protein, look for clean meat options, such as wild caught Salmon, free-range chicken breast, or grass fed beef.


***REMEMBER- The more whole, unprocessed, and natural the food is that you’re eating, the better! You’re not going to have to worry about hidden ingredients in an organic piece of fruit.


I picked a few DELICIOUS recipes in various categories for you to experiment with. Let me know how you like them!! 🙂















I hope today’s post was helpful for you and your family on your healthier happier journey! It’s a great idea to keep a journal through this process as you start realizing your energy and mood improve and less aches and pains. It’s a fun process to look back on! I’m so proud of you all for taking this tremendous step in your life!


In Health, Hope, & Happiness

a sig





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Why Go Gluten-Free- The Story of Mr. Gary Gluten (Part 2 of 3)

A few days ago, we talked about some symptoms of gluten-intolerance, the foods that contain it, and the alarming statistics of health issues correlated to gluten (you can read that post here). Today I want to go a little deeper into why it may benefit your quality of life to go gluten-free and what happens when you eat it.


In a Nutshell…How Gluten Does Its Damage

Everyone, meet “Mr. Gary Gluten”-

Looks harmless, right? Well I’m going to tell you a story of the journey this little guy goes on in your body when you eat him. He is found in the majority of foods you find at the supermarket today- breads, crackers, cakes, cookies, pasta, sauces, etc.

Here is Gary’s family traits-

  • From a Genetically Modified family (GMO). This means his family was first created in a laboratory where their genes were altered to no longer resemble their family genetics.


  • A couple thousand years ago, Gary’s family looked MUCH different than him, only having about 14 chromosomes. Gary has over 42.


  • He and his family have been modified genetically in such a way that they won’t die when their “keeper” sprays them with hundreds of dangerous chemicals known as pesticides and herbicides. These poisons kill all of the naturally growing weeds, bugs, and basically any life around them. These poisons also act to kill our human cells, effecting us in every way.


  • Gary was grown in a soil much different from his ancestors. He grew up in a soil that was stripped of all the minerals and life-giving nutrients except for Phosphorus, Nitrogen, and potassium, because many humans realized if only these 3 are present, the plant will look the same, but for a fraction of the cost. So, unfortunately Gary doesn’t have all of the “good-for-you” vitamins his family had hundreds of years ago even though he still may “look” the same.


  • Usually, before he is put into a food such as pasta, bread, etc… he is stripped of all his nutrients, fiber, protein, and good stuff, to be turned into a white flour substance.


 Now that you know a little bit more about Mr. Gary Gluten and how he is different from his ancient ancestors. Let’s take a look at what happens when you put him in your body…

  • You eat a sandwich, pasta, or cookie with Mr. Gary Gluten inside…
  • He is absorbed into your blood stream and causes your blood sugar to go sky high, even more than regular table sugar does! This increases your insulin (fat storing hormone) levels immediately. High blood sugar and insulin levels have a whole myriad of problems on their own including:
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • High triglycerides
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Obesity
  • Heart Disease
  • Hormonal dysfunction
  • Metabolic X syndrome
  • and more…
  • Once he reaches your stomach, ideally you will have a good amount of stomach acid to break him down in order to make the job easier for your small intestine. Unfortunately, many people have a deficiency in stomach acid due to stress, adrenal fatigue, or taking antacids, and Gary doesn’t get digested properly, many times leading to heartburn, acid reflux, or bloating.
  • After his time in the stomach, he slips on down to the small intestine. This is where a large amount of damage happens. Our small intestine is critical to our overall health. This is where we absorb all of our “energy”, vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that feed the rest of our body. When this area is damaged, usually people have various digestive issues, chronic fatigue, pain, allergies, malnourishment, hormonal issues, skin disorders, and other seemingly “mysterious” health ailments. Due to Mr. Gary Gluten’s characteristics of being a GMO food, covered in nuerotoxic pesticides, and having way more chromosomes than the human body was meant to digest, Gary cannot be broken down very efficiently and he stays in the small intestine longer than he should. This causes “fermentation” in the gut which is bad news bears for intestinal health. This causes:
    • Bloating 
    • Constipation and or diarrhea


    • Damage and even wiping out of the microvilli that line the small intestine. These little finger-like structures are what are most critical to the small intestine as they are responsible for absorbing all nutrients from food. Without them, we don’t absorb the foods we eat, and they will go straight through us.


    • Leaky-Gut syndrome- This happens when we eat gluten, GMO foods, and other processed foods that cause fermentation in the gut and damage. Basically, the walls of the small intestine are compromised by these foods and little holes begin to form, leaking undigested food, parasites, and chemicals out of the intestine and into places they should never be.

    • Due to the internal stress your body is going through from the damage and from the malnourishment due to the microvilla being damaged, your adrenal glands have a much heavier load and become fatigued. This in turn effects ALL other hormones including your thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. This may show up in symptoms such as:
      • Chronic fatigue
      • Insomnia
      • Women’s hormonal issues: irregular or absent menstrual cycles, heavy bleeding, endometriosis, PCOS, etc.
      • Infertility
      • Men’s hormonal issues: impotence, lack of drive, gynecomastia (men with bigger breasts due to excess estrogen)
      • Headaches & migraines
      • Emotional disorders
  • After a while, eating Mr. Gary Gluten and his family causes some significant damage to your digestive tract, even if you don’t feel the internal damage, it’s building up. 80% of your immune system is within your digestive tract, so now that you have damage in this area, your immune system is going to be very weak. The stress causing your adrenal glands to be fatigued also decreases your immune system, and you will most likely get sick rather easily.





  • Your brain also is going to work less efficiently. There is something called the “Gut-Brain Axis” which is a direct relationship between the health of your gut to the health of your brain. So, this damage and the increase of bad bacteria in the gut could cause…
    • Foggy brain
    • Lack of mental sharpness
    • Anxiety/and or depression
    • Poor memory
    • Inability to retain information
    • Emotional instability
    • And similar symptoms…


  • When Mr. Gary Gluten is eaten with a poor quality fat such as with fried foods, when they combine, they create a dangerous cement-like substance. This can coat your arteries and digestive tract, and as you can imagine cause some serious problems.

WOW! Did you know products with gluten could do that much damage?!

For some of you, ALL of this is going to make sense, and be potentially life changing for you! Can you imagine having many of these symptoms and no medical professional being able to tell you what’s wrong?

I was in that situation, and if you haven’t been there, let me tell you, it is MISERABLE! You start to lose hope after trying numerous medications, doing a zillion tests that empty your pocketbook, and being left even more confused than before with no legitimate answers to what the problem is. Many people go throughout their whole life without finding the cause. They end up on 20+ medications to try and fix all of these symptoms, but end up feeling even more horrible. Their hope is gone, their health is gone, it lowers their quality of life and effects the rest of their family. How crazy is it that ALL of this could have been solved just by switching up their diet?!


In my next post I’m going to give you some real life tools to use to make the process of going gluten-free much less scary and much more enjoyable! Keep your eyes open!


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Do YOU Have a Gluten Problem? (Part 1 of 3)


These days, just about everyone has seen or heard the word “gluten”, but few understand what it is and how it affects the body. This week I want to go back to the basics and explain all their is to know about gluten to hopefully help you better understand how this little protein is causing health problems of epic proportions.



glu·ten  (gltn)n.

1. The mixture of proteins, including gliadins and glutelins, found in wheat grains, which are not soluble in water and which give wheat dough its elastic texture.

2. Any of the simple plant proteins found in cereal grains, especially the protein molecules in wheat, rye, barley, and possibly oats, that cause digestive disorders such as celiac disease.


Any food products containing:

  • Wheat
  • Rye
  • Spelt
  • Barley
  • Oats (these do not contain gluten on their own, but are commonly cross contaminated when processed. You can purchase gluten-free oats)
  • Orzo
  • Bran
  • Bulgar
  • Farina
  • Kamut
  • Semolina

It is very important to read labels as many foods contain by-products of these grains. Here is a list of common foods that contain gluten:

  • Pizza
  • Breads
  • Crackers
  • Pasta
  • Cookies, cakes, cupcakes, muffins, etc.
  • Pretzels
  • Cereal
  • Beer
  • Soy sauce
  • Couscous

You will find hidden gluten in these types of foods:

  • Broth or Bullion
  • Sauces and dressings
  • Sodas
  • Chips
  • Candy, ice cream
  • Cured or processed meats and cheeses
  • Fast food
  • California Roll sushi (The fake shrimp is made with gluten as well as the soy sauce)


  • More than 3 million people in the US suffer from celiac disease, which is approximately 1 in 133 people. However, more recent numbers suggest the number may be closer to 1 in 100. Either way, the more disturbing statistic is that only 1 in 4,700 have received an official diagnosis.
  • More than one of every ten individuals with celiac disease (more than 10%) may develop one or more of the following conditions:
    • Arthritis
    • Ataxia (see Gluten Ataxia)
    • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    • Lactose Intolerance
    • Liver Disease
    • Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (Cancer)
    • Peripheral Neuropathy
    • Obesity
    • Osteomalacia or Low Bone Density
    • Thyroid and Pancreatic Disorders
    • Type I Diabetes

    Anemia, Dermatitis, Migraines, and Osteoporosis are also common conditions suffered by Celiacs, and people with untreated celiac disease are at far greater risk of developing some form of gastrointestinal cancer than the average person (some numbers suggest they are more than 50 times likely to develop a GI cancer).

  • 5% and 10% of all people may suffer from a gluten sensitivity of some form. recent findings indicate that many people with a gluten intolerance but not celiac disease may have a different form of disease altogether. The BMC Journal in early 2011 suggests that there is a form of gluten sensitivity that is medically different from celiac disease. And none of this takes into consideration the confusion over gluten allergy symptoms.
  • It takes an average of 11 years for patients to be diagnosed with celiac disease. The average cost of a misdiagnosis is $5,000 – $12,000 per person per year.
  • More than 55 diseases have been linked to gluten, the protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. It’s estimated that 99% of the people who have either gluten intolerance or celiac disease are never diagnosed.



Gluten is an inflammatory food that triggers your immune system, rips up the gut, and in turn effects hormones, so your symptoms could be a wide variety of issues. However, there are some more common health ailments that people experience due to eating gluten. These include but are not limited to:

  • Digestive Distress: constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, bloating, gas, abdominal pain.
  • Pain in the body such as arthritic pain, inflammation and swelling, back pain, neck pain and stiffness, nerve pain, feet pain, joint pain.
  • Autoimmune Disease such as such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ulcerative colitis, Lupus, Psoriasis, Scleroderma or Multiple sclerosis.
  • Hormonal imbalance including PCOS, Thyroid disorder, adrenal fatigue or burnout, heavy prolonged cycles, amenorrhea (no menstrual cycle), severe cramps, abnormal or no ovulation, infertility.
  • Chronic migraines or headaches
  • Anxiety and/or depression or other mood disorders such as ADD (this is a HUGE connection!!!)
  • Anemia and malnourishment
  • Hair loss
  • Acne, breakouts, rashes, and skin problems
  • Allergies related to food or other allergens such as seasonal allergies
  • Fatigue, brain fog, and lack of that mental edge.
  • Restless legs
  • Poor circulation
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Inability to gain OR lose weight

“There’s hardly a single organ system that is not in some way affected by wheat products. The health impact of Triticum aestivum, common bread wheat and its genetic brethren, ranges far and wide, with curious effects from mouth to anus, brain to pancreas, Appalachian housewife to Wall Street arbitrageur. If it sounds crazy, bear with me. I make these claims with a clear, wheat-free conscience.”

– William Davis, M.D. from the book “Wheat Belly”

Pretty unbelievable the damage that can be done from one little protein molecule, right? Imagine all the people suffering with these conditions, who are taking loads of medication when all they really need to do is clean up their diet!


The terminology these days between all of these different labels can get confusing. Here is the breakdown…

    • Basically this is exactly what it sounds like…your body is “intolerant” to gluten, meaning it does not tolerate it well when exposed. Your body can’t digest it well leading to digestive issues after eating glutenous foods, and most likely is beginning to destroy your intestinal lining, which leads to “leaky gut syndrome” and if continued will further health ailments.
    • This is very similar to gluten intolerance, but in most cases is considered a mild form of symptoms such as fatigue after eating gluten or slight bloating. Your body is “sensitive” to glutenous foods, but you haven’t been diagnosed with a full blown allergy.
    • This is a diagnosis that comes from a medical doctor or a health care professional who performs an allergy test on you and it returns positive that your body (immune system) responds negatively to gluten and you actually have an allergic reaction to glutenous foods when you eat them. This can vary from mild to life threatening.
    • Celiac Disease is the most serious of all forms of gluten issues and is classified as an autoimmune disease, which means, the body is actually attacking itself. People with celiac disease usually have minimal to no microvilli on their intestinal lining. Villi are little finger link structures that line the small intestine and are responsible for absorbing all minerals and nutrients from the foods we eat. Without villi, it is very difficult to absorb any nutrients, which is where a huge problem comes in for those with Celiac.
    • It is widely and commonly believed that Celiac Disease is something one must live with for the rest of their life with no hope of ever living without it. I however, do not hold the same beliefs and have seen people become completely healed. This isn’t something I would work with a person one-on-one about to find the root cause of their disease and give them the tools they need to get the job done and restore their health. Exciting, right?! 🙂



You see, my friend…the all-American wheat grain that this country is oh so proud of is a billion times different than the wheat grain from the Bible days. This is why even 100 years ago, people ate wheat and bread all the time, but obesity, heart disease, diabetes, infertility, and digestive disease were significantly lower than what they are now, because wheat has considerably changed into a genetic mystery of complex proportions.


Bread and other foods made from wheat have sustained humans for centuries, but the wheat of our ancestors is not the same as modern commercial wheat that reaches your breakfast, lunch and dinner table. From the original strains of wild grass harvested by early humans, wheat has exploded to more than 25,000 varieties, virtually all of them the result of human intervention.

The first wild, then cultivated, wheat was einkorn, the great-granddaddy of all subsequent wheat. Einkorn has the simplest genetic code of all wheat, containing only 14 chromosomes.

Shortly after the cultivation of the first einkorn plant, the emmer variety of wheat, the natural offspring of parents einkorn and an unrelated wild grass, Aegilops speltvoides or goatgrass, made its appearance in the Middle East. Goatgrass added its genetic code to that of einkorn, resulting in the more complex twenty-eight-chromosome emmer wheat.

Emmer wheat, Dr. Davis explains, was probably the wheat of biblical times. Later the emmer wheat mated naturally with another grass and produced Triticum aestivum, the forty-two-chromosome wheat that humans consumed for centuries – right up until the past 50 years or so. That’s when the story of wheat becomes a bit of a modern Frankenstein tale. Modern wheat also known as “dwarf wheat” was created by a geneticist, Dr. Normal Borlaug with the intention of feeding a starving world. Although his intentions seemed good, this form of spliced, diced, and reformulated wheat was never tested for human consumption.

    • Unfortunately for years now, our modern everyday wheat has been the offspring of a lab, pesticides, herbicides, and scientists. In fact, today’s wheat literally can’t survive in a natural setting. Take away the modern pesticides and fertilizers and it will quickly die.

Perhaps overjoyed at the prospect of the feeding the world, the developers of modern wheat varieties weren’t interested in conducting tests to see if these genetically-modified strains were actually fit for human consumption. Dr. Davis believes they’re not. At the very least, we’re now consuming wheat that’s genetically different from what our ancestors consumed:

Analyses of proteins expressed by a wheat hybrid compared to its two parent strains have demonstrated that while approximately 95 percent of the proteins expressed in the offspring are the same, five percent are unique, found in neither parent. Wheat gluten proteins, in particular, undergo considerable structural change with hybridization. In one hybridization experiment, fourteen new gluten proteins were identified in the offspring that were not present in either parent plant. Moreover, when compared to century-old stains of wheat, modern strains of Triticum aestivum express a higher quantity of genes for gluten proteins that are associated with celiac disease.

Hybridization efforts of the past fifty years have generated numerous additional changes in the gluten-coding genes in Triticum aestivum, most of them purposeful modifications of the “D” genome that confer baking and aesthetic characteristics on flour. It is therefore the the “D” genome of modern Triticum aestivum that, having been the focus of all manner of shenanigans by plant geneticists, has accumulated substantial changes in genetically determined characteristics of gluten proteins.




The absolute BEST and CHEAPEST way to find out how gluten is affecting you is to remove it. With the dangers of GMO foods and the unfortunate reality that wheat these days rips up the digestive tract, and ultimately leads to health problems, I wouldn’t recommend eating gluten for anyone. Even if you currently don’t have any of these symptoms, unfortunately with the way our food supply is going, eventually you probably will, and it’s not worth it to wait until the doctor bills begin to add up.

It’s CRITICAL to remember when “testing” your body’s response to gluten that you do so 100% and know exactly what you’re putting in your body. If you have 1 cracker during the testing period, it will throw off your results, because yes, just that much can have an impact.


You can also have a blood test done through a local healthcare provider such as a chiropractor or naturopath to see what food allergies you currently have. And lastly, those who believe they have Celiac disease can choose to have a biopsy done of the small intestine to confirm the results. ***HOWEVER*** These results are not definitive. Many people DO have Celiac, but the biopsy came back negative.


SO, as you can see, the easiest and cheapest way to avoid all of this is simply to remove gluten from your diet and stick to gluten free alternatives. To learn more on how to do that stay tuned for tomorrow’s post! In the mean time take a look around my site for gluten-free recipes!

In Health, Hope, & Happiness,

a sig





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Gluten-Free foods increasing your cancer risk?


Those of you who know me, know that I am a gluten-free foodie, and I have been for years. I have watched hundreds of people change their health and their life around simply by eliminating this one type of food from their diet.


Recently, as I was walking down the gluten-free isle at the grocery store and reading label after label, It occurred to me that many people may not know how UNHEALTHY many of these gluten-free foods really are. In fact, many formulated gluten-free foods are loaded with artificial colorings, sweeteners, sugar, fillers, binders, and GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) ingredients!


Isn’t the point of switching to a gluten-free diet to switch to a healthier lifestyle and heal the digestive tract? Well, unfortunately with these types of foods, there will not be much healing going on, and some of your symptoms may even get worse!


Today, I want to point out to you exactly what to look for when reading a gluten-free label and give you some great suggestions that will help you out the next time you go to the supermarket.




  • CORN, SOY, CANOLA, & DERIVATIVES OF THESE FOODS (corn flour, corn syrup, soy protien isolate, etc…)

    • If a food product contains any of these ingredients, it MUST be labeled GMO-FREE, NON-GMO, or 100% ORGANIC. This ensures that even though the company may use one of these foods, it is a clean, non-GMO source.



    • All of the above are either sugar or an artificial sweetener. A small amount of REAL evaporated cane juice, or sugar in small amounts in my opinion is ok in small portions. But, read those labels, because many gluten-free foods are loaded with sugar. Make sure you read the serving size. It may say only 5 grams of sugar, but that’s per tablespoon, so when you eat 1 cup of the product, you’re getting a sugar overload. Artificial sweeteners are even worse as they can damage the pancreas, are proven neurotoxins (kill brain cells), and damage the gut. Here is more info on the link between sugar and cancer.
    • Make sure you choose a food that is has no sugar, is low in sugar or uses natural alternatives such as coconut sugar, stevia, erythritol, or non-GMO xylitol.




So, next time you’re in the gluten-free isle shopping for your favorite foods, make sure to watch out for these ingredients to make the best choices for you and your family. Here are some brands committed to the NON-GMO project that may help you navigate your way through the store-

To make things easier, eat simple whole foods such as organic veggies, cultured foods and drinks, low-glycemic fruits, clean animal protein, raw organic dairy, sprouted nuts and seeds, and grain-like seeds such as quinoa, millet, amaranth, & buckwheat!


Stay tuned tomorrow for more on gluten sensitivity & Celiac’s disease!

In Health, Hope, & Happiness,

a sig

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