Share Hormone Health Tools + Earn Extra Cash!

Who LOVES sharing healthy living tools with others to improve their quality of life AND earning some side money to do it? YOU? Awesome…
And to help you get started, through February, for anyone who joins me in our mission, I’ll send you a $10 gift card for every $100 you spend when purchasing your own hormone-safe products with your enrollment!
As you probably know, I recently gave up an 8 year partnership with my previous company to link arms with Hugh + Grace because I so deeply connect with the mission and goal of H+G to educate and empower families to effectively remove endocrine disrupters from their homes and support hormonal balance through cellular regeneration.

Home - New 2023 - Hugh & Grace

This company provides products for 3 vertical problem areas.
What we put:
In: Hydrate+Detox, Premiere Marine Collagen, Morning + Night Supplements
On: Skincare line, luxury organic tactile line
Around: Home Cleaning line
Glitter Magazine | Hugh & Grace Vegan Skincare Has Clean Beauty Down to a  Science

*It’s important for you to know H&G is a newer company (only 2 years since it’s origination!) and it’s grown exponentially and projected to be in luxury spas across the world including the Waldorf Astoria,  Four Seasons spas and many more.
I get to be in direct communications with our product development team + CEO and I assure you, the products on the ducat for formulation this year and beyond are very exciting and needed by the consumer!
Our latest partnership was with IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition)- ALL Advocates get 45% off their Hormone Certification Course (and any other courses) through February! WOAH!

Now, I need to find some friends to help share the mission and resources!
Here are a few resources for you to review to see if this would be a good fit for you. After checking them out, there are registration links below or you can give me a call to further discuss. 🙂 209-840-0900
Here’s the story behind the creation of the company (4:20)- 
Here is the quick video I made about the affiliate + advocate opportunities (< 7min) –
Hugh & Grace: Toxic Chemical Exposure and Hormone Health
Want to check out the website first? 
* The “Learn” tab is really inspiring and educational!
RETAIL ACCOUNT: Do you own a brick and morder business where you sell products off the shelves?Salons, chiropractors, massage therapists and spas are LOVING the option to be featured as a H&G Retail Partner to carry branded Hormone Safe products.
The only differences with a retail account are you get 30% off and your registration package options are larger to get more products on your shelves. What most businesses are doing is enrolling with a personal advocate account first to try everything. Then, if they decide they want to move forward with a retail account, they enroll their BUSINESS with a retail account under their personal advocate account. Then, your personal advocate account earns the commission on your business enrollment if that makes sense. 🙂

HG Home Launches Today! - Hugh & Grace

Ready to jump on board with us??

  • To register with an Affiliate account, click here: 
    • FREE registration- no discount, earn 20% commission, no trips, no enrolling advocates.
  • To register with an Advocate account, click here:
    • $45 Enrollment Fee (No monthly fee- only $45 annually)
    • 25% off all personal orders
    • 25% commission + volume bonuses, trip incentives and the ability to build a team if desired *NOT REQUIRED.
    • The 3 most popular options to enroll with as an advocate are the Routine, The Wellness Set + The Possibilities Set.
  • To register with a RETAIL account, click here: 

Want to learn more about the health benefits?

Here’s a 30-min hormone training me and another subject expert  did teaching on the impact of “The Routine” supplement stack. It’s been so powerful for so many. It helps to understand a little behind why you’d want to share something (30 min)

Thanks for checking this out, I really hope to link arms with you!!

Dont forget to enroll in February to capitalize on that $10 gift card per $100 spent! You can use those for yourself or for future customers to kick start your business!


Coach Jess!

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Why I left the BODi (Beachbody) Business… and How I’m Re-Launching

This is a post I never thought I’d be writing…
After much prayer, consideration, tears and nearly 8 years, I’ve recently made the decision to end my partnership with BODi (Beachbody) in my Health Patriot business.
I will forever be grateful for the relationships built and lessons learned these past 8 years. The BODi opportunity changed our family’s life for forever.
To be honest though, it’s not what it was. I’m not who I was. And it’s no longer in alignment with the calling the Lord has placed on my heart and the needs of my family.
I’ve released a video with more details about this decision for those of you who are interested.
To my BODi fam, I love you all. I’m so proud of each of you and I’ll always be here cheering you on!
As for where I’m going next… I have been given an amazing opportunity to be a part of a newer company dedicated to creating hormone safe products and reducing our family’s exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals contributing to infertility, hormonal Imbalance, asthma, neurological issues and more. I am assisting in product formulation as the company grows and linking arms with other top notch business mama’s who are united in mission to address this issue impacting nearly every household.
We are creating hormone-safe products for what you put in, on and around your body.
If you know my backstory, my own infertility diagnosis, my struggle with anxiety attacks, nearly non-existent hormones, adrenal exhaustion and gut health mysteries… as well as my passion to educate and empower- you can feel it too. This is going to be BIG and such an amazing shift for my business, clients and family.
Learn more about the new company at
Have questions? Concerns?
Email me at
Or Find me over on IG at @Health_Patriot
If you’re still reading, I’d love to stay in touch and send you info to what we’re building- in products, business, family life and more. Subscribe to my emails here.
As always, thank you so much for your support, trust and encouragement. I always promise to advocate for transparency, freedom and staying alignment with God’s best for you… in all things!
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Pregnancy after Miscarriage…


For those of you who haven’t heard…I’m growing another tiny human!!! We’re officially 11 weeks and we couldn’t be more excited! Announcing the news to everyone was both exciting and scary for me…

You see, my husband and I found out we were pregnant with our last baby right before Christmas 2016. We were ELATED! Our due date was going to be in August. We were dreaming of our two babies playing together in the summer and fall and already re-arranging the nursery in our minds. Our incredibly full hearts…broke a month later when we found out our precious little one was no longer growing and had no heartbeat. For our full story, click here- To summarize, it was one of the most difficult things either of us had been through, emotionally, mentally, physically for me, and spiritually. We knew though, that we had so much to be thankful for and we had to keep taking steps forward one day at a time. While we will never forget our second baby, we have come to peace that they are with Jesus and we will see him or her one day again.

Fast forward to now…just a handful of months later and we have a healthy growing little babe making my pants too tight, making me crave weird foods, and kicking my butt! While usually pregnancy is full of JOY, EXCITEMENT, and positive thoughts of the future, I’m not going to lie…it’s been a struggle for me. I explained it one day as feeling like I have “PTSD” from my last pregnancy. I vividly remember the ultrasound that revealed no baby, the cold room we waited in for the final diagnosis, the blood draws, the tears…oh the thousands of tears. I remember the pills I had to take to help my body “process” the remaining fetal tissue and placenta…the cramps, the blood, the clots, the tears… I felt “unwomanly”. I felt like I failed even though I didn’t know what happened. I was angry, devastated, confused. Going through something like that is hard to recover fully from. And to be honest, it’s hard to forget.

This was the TEXT I sent my husband the night I found out by surprise that we were pregnant again!
This was the TEXT I sent my husband the night I found out by surprise that we were pregnant again!

It was really hard for me to be 100% excited when we found out we were pregnant again. We didn’t tell anyone, not even our families until we had multiple blood tests to confirm, and even then I hesitated. It was a protective mechanism. If I’m not super excited about this pregnancy and I just treat it like an every day ordinary occurrence, it won’t hurt as bad if/when we lose it. Now, I obviously know this isn’t the healthiest mindset to have, but it was my reality. I prayed through this, WE prayed through this. My husband and I shared our fears and concerns with each other as well as our excitements. I am SO blessed to have such an incredible man to keep me accountable in my mindset. He is always there for me whether I need someone to listen or someone to snap me out of my negative nancy attitude. So thankful for Him.

Then the day for our ultrasound came….I was nervous ALL. DAY. I kept preparing myself for the worst…Our first ultrasound with our last baby was when everything fell apart. I will never forget that day down to the smallest detail. So, sitting in a similar room under similar circumstances…was incredibly scary for me.

The ultrasound tech was sweet with the nicest smile. “Congratulations on your baby you guys! Now, let’s get some pictures of your little nugget, shall we?” She tells us as I lie down on the table and she squirts the warm jelly on my slightly rounded belly. My eyes were fixed on the monitor. I knew what I was looking for… The monitor lights up, my husband is tightly squeezing my left hand as we watch… and we all get the biggest smile on our faces when we see our little bambino waving it’s arms around and it’s perfect beautiful little heart beating away at a strong 170 beats per minute.FullSizeRender(1)

I CAN BREATHE AGAIN… This was the FIRST time I let myself TRULY get excited about this pregnancy. “We’re having a baby!!!” A giddily say to my hubs! He smiles and nods. We were so relieved that we were looking at our sweet rainbow baby. <3

I share this story with you guys because going through a miscarriage gave me such a different and real perspective into infertility issues. I felt the pain nearly 50% of women go through in their pregnancy difficulties. Unfortunately, for many people it’s considered a taboo topic…It’s such an intimate, unexplainable heartache that most don’t even know how to talk about it. How can you love something so much and be so heartbroken when it’s taken away when it was the size of a sesame seed or a green pea and only existed for a month or two? The pain… it’s very REAL. The struggle…sometimes lifelong. And the healthy babies that come after…they’re AWESOME! BUT…even those pregnancies are a growing process for the mama and papa who are learning to be excited again, how to love their angel baby, hold onto their memory, and let it be so they can process and be engaged in preparation for the next to come.

For any of you mama’s out there who cry with every pregnancy announcement you see, waiting for when it will be your turn…For those of you struggling and who have been struggling for years with infertility…for those of you who have angel babies in heaven and know this pain all too well. My heart goes out to you. You are STRONG. You are BEAUTIFUL. You are SO LOVED By your Creator. Every tear you’ve cried has been counted. Your story MATTERS. I can’t tell you why these things happen. I know there are no words I can say to make your pain go away. But I do know that we have a God who unconditionally loves each and every one of us, who cries when we cry and will move heaven and earth for His relationship with You. Trust Him, seek comfort from Him, and love Him. Watch as He turns your story of devastation into something more beautiful and powerful than you could ever dream of.

And as for you baby #3 growing like a weed inside of me. I love you so much and cannot wait to meet you and spend forever being your mama. 🙂

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Hey Everyone!

I’m SO sorry this is last minute, but I wanted to make sure you all know that tomorrow at 1pm I will be speaking for FREE in Sonora, CA!

It’s off of Tuolumne Road in the Warehouses. Because I don’t know what address to give you, here are general directions…

Turning off of Tuolumne Rd. or Standard Rd. (depending on which way you’re coming), into the warehouse/storage area, you will see a road turning into the warehouses that has a sign advertising dance. Once you turn in there, it will vear to the right and you will see a large Century 21 sign advertising a building for sale. Turn left at that sign and then the immediate right. You will see lots of cars and the warehouse that we are in will be on the right.

PHEW! Did you get all that?? 🙂 Just incase you didn’t you can text me at 785-477-4988.



This will be a very unique class/discussion where I want to highly encourage dialogue and question asking. I am going to be talking about some of the most important things you can do for general health, including:



Great, right?!

I really hope to see you all there!!!!







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SUN: Cancer Causer or Conquerer?

There is WAY too much misinformation out there about the sun. I remember growing up hearing the sun was what caused skin cancer and that the absolute healthiest thing I could do was to put on the highest SPF commercial sunscreen possible. That’s all I heard through nursing school as well. You can only imagine how excited all of my nursing professor’s were when companies came out with a 100 SPF Sunscreen!!

Today, I want to straighten out a few facts about the sun and give you a few tools to have fun in the sun all summer long!

So, what’s the deal with the sun anyways? Where did the whole “Fearing the sun” thing start and why? Is it really dangerous? Think about it for a minute. Why do you put that creamy solution on your body? Maybe it’s to prevent a sunburn, which is a legitimate concern, I am definitely not a supporter of sunburns. BUT did you know between the sun rays and that bottle of Coppertone, there is only 1 of those that has been proven to prevent and even fight skin cancer (and other cancers!) and the other has been proven to increase your risk?

The SUN is actually incredibly GOOD for you!!

So, why all of this propaganda against the sun? Well, I’m going to let you connect the dots, but think about the following facts…

  • Sick people make pharmaceutical companies billions of dollars.
  • Healthy people make pharmaceutical companies no money.
  • Pharmaceutical companies are intertwined with the FDA, government, and major companies in the world that manufacture supplies.
  • UVB from the sun is the ray that is health promoting and feeds our body’s Vitamin D. UVA is the type that has been shown to be more dangerous and lead to burns, aging of the skin, and melanoma. Many sunscreens do not accurately block UVA, only UVB.
  • Chemicals in traditional sunscreens have been PROVEN to increase your risk for various cancers including skin cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer.
  • When you wear these chemicals in the sun, they bake into your skin and go DIRECTLY into your bloodstream.
  • Vitamin D from the sun is incredibly GOOD for you and necessary to have a ninja-like immune system. When you use these traditional sunscreens, they prevent the Vitamin D from being absorbed into your skin.
  • When people get sick from toxic cancer causing chemicals and a lack of Vitamin D, usually they purchase or need pharmaceutical products, depending on the illness, sometimes it’s a SINGLE dose of a $30,000 chemo drug.

Dr. Mercola addresses a few of these dangerous chemicals found in regular sunscreens…

Oxybenzone is one of the most troublesome ingredients found in the majority of sunscreens. According to EWG’s findings, 56 percent of sunscreens contain this harmful chemical. Its primary function is to absorb ultraviolet light. However, oxybenzone is also believed to cause hormone disruptions and the type of cell damage that can provoke cancer.


Retinyl palmitate, a type of vitamin A, is another high-risk ingredient found in many sunscreens. According to a recent CNN reportii:

“Government-funded studies have found that this particular type of vitamin A may increase risk of skin cancer when used on sun-exposed skin. However, these reports have been in mice and evidence has been inconclusive for humans.”

According to the research compiled by EWG’s chemical database, however, retinyl palmitate gets a classification of “high concern” due to its developmental and reproductive toxicityiii. Research indicates that retinyl palmitate is readily absorbed by your skin. According to a report by the National Institutes of Healthiv:

“Cosmetic formulations containing retinyl palmitate are substantially more stable than those containing retinol. Furthermore, retinyl palmitate readily penetrates into the epidermis and dermis. In vitro measurements of retinyl palmitate’s percutaneous absorption indicate that 18 percent of retinyl palmitate, topically applied in acetone, penetrates human skin within 30 hrs.

Percutaneous absorption of retinyl palmitate in currently marketed cosmetic products may be still greater due to the considerable efforts of cosmetics formulators to maximize the effectiveness of products containing retinyl palmitate and retinol.

Studies indicate that absorbed retinyl palmitate is readily hydrolyzed to retinol by cutaneous esterases. In addition, skin contains the enzymes required for further metabolism of retinol to retinaldehyde and retinoic acid, and some studies have shown that levels of retinoic acid in the skin can increase following topical application of retinyl palmitate or retinol.” [Emphasis mine]

Read More here-


Two other dangerous ingredients that I’ve mentioned before are parabens and fragrance.

  • Parabens were found in 99% of women who were diagnosed with breast cancer according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology. That’s a HUGE number! Parabens are chemicals found in common cosmetics (Make up, lotions, soaps, hair products, shampoo, conditioner, sunscreens, medication, etc). These chemicals mimic estrogen in the body and completely throw off your hormonal balance. THIS is a massive reason why we have SO many women with hormonal imbalance. And as this study shows, they are a huge risk for cancer.

Toxic Sunscreens

5 Fun in the Sun Safe Alternatives

  1. Try to get in the sun with as much of your skin showing as possible for at least 20 minutes per day with no sunscreen.

  2. Avoid getting sunburns. Do this by applying non-toxic sunscreen when in the sun for long periods of time. Read more about safe brands here-

  3. Eat nutrient-dense foods, especially dark leafy greens. Plant-based whole foods have been shown to decrease chances of sunburn and even skin cancer.

  4. Use coconut oil and pure aloe on the skin. These two substances are phenomenal for skin health and help to prevent burn and heal the skin if you do experience some redness.

  5. Choose a sunscreen NO HIGHER than 50SPF and preferably 30SPF or lower.

Here are some additional resources on keeping you and your family safe in the sun:

In Health, Hope, & Happiness,

a sig



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Clogged Tubes? The Top 10 Culprits of Constipation

Being the beginning of the year, many of you are determined to live a healthier life & lose weight, so I thought I’d talk about one of the huge factors that may be standing in the way of getting rid of the ole’ tire around the waste. Yep, we’re getting real. We’re getting personal. We’re talking about poop! In nursing school, I was taught that anywhere between having a BM (bowel movement) 3 times per day to every 3 days was considered “normal”. Sorry nursing school, but that just can’t be right. Think about it. How many times do we eat??? ATLEAST 3 times, and for most people it is 3 meals and 3 snacks. How does it make sense for us to eat that much food and only eliminate once every 3 days? That’s just silly! The truth is, optimally, we should be going to the bathroom atleast 3 times per day. I know…I know…you’re thinking, Jessica Angelina Lopez, you are CRAZY! I promise I’m not trippin guys. It’s true! For OPTIMAL health, to feel your best, have lasting energy, clear skin, a healthy liver, a flawless digestive tract, this is what should be happening.


Here are the TOP 10 reasons our tubes get clogged…

1. Magnesium Deficiency-

Magnesium is ESSENTIAL for smooth muscle contraction, including the heart and the wave like motion (called peristalsis) that pushes food through the digestive tract. A deficiency leads to poor digestive function including constipation.

2. Leaky-Gut Syndrome-

This refers to an intestinal wall with microscopic holes in it from yeast, fungal, and parasite damage from a poor diet and candida overgrowth. Small particles of food and toxins get through these holes causing a myriad of problems in the body, and one of them being constipation. Unfortunately constipation also causes leaky gut syndrome, and it must be dealt with immediately- This is where my epic health programs come in!!

3. Lazy Colon-

Have you ever tried laxatives or even natural herbs and herbal teas such as cascara sagrada and senna leaf? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but all of those options are no good for solving the problem of constipation. Unfortunately back in the day I was a victim of these teas and colon cleanses that force the colon to expel. When you use these methods, especially over a long period of time, your colon basically says “screw you”, and stops working on it’s own, hence the term “lazy colon”. The only way to retrain your colon is through a series of colonics or colon hydrotherapy.

4. Lack of fiber-

You MUST get in loads of fiber on a daily basis. We are NOT talking about Metamucil or the average fiber chews you get at Walmart. I’m talking about REAL FOOD FIBER! Chia seeds, flax seeds, the 4 seed-like grains (quinoa, millet, amaranth, buckwheat), lots of vegetables and some low-sugar fruits, and some approved fiber products from trusted sources such as Renew Life, Garden of Life, or Dr. Mercola.

5. Lack of fat-

“But Jessica, I’m trying to lose fat!”, Oh I know! BUT EATING GOOD FAT IS KEY TO LOSING BAD FAT! Especially when it comes to cleaning your colon. Think of it as oiling up the tubes. Let’s just say it keeps things sailing smoothly. 🙂

6. Clogged Liver & Gallbladder

If your liver and gallbladder are clogged up, it will be nearly impossible to have a functioning digestive system and even harder to lose weight. It is CRUCIAL to take care of these organs. In my health coaching programs, such as The Empowered Woman, I safely teach each person how to cleanse their liver and gallbladder. It is built into my programs to ensure each person is ready for this step. Cleansing and detoxing CAN BE DANGEROUS! So, make sure if you do this, you are working with someone who knows your body very well and can tell if you are ready or not.

 7. Hormone Imbalance

There is alot to know when it comes to hormonal balance and it dramatically affects your metabolism and digestive system. If your adrenal glands are shot and your thyroid is slow, you will nearly always struggle with constipation. It is ESSENTIAL to support these areas, and when you do…whoa nelly will you see an improvement in your life!

8. Candida-

Oh Candida how I loathe thee…I cannot tell you how THANKFUL I am to have all the tools I need to keep candida in it’s place, and that is NOT in my body! Candia Albicans is a bacteria from the devil that can completely take over your body causing you to feel all sorts of bad things from serious digestive disease, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, foggy head, indigestion, severe fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, endometriosis, infertility…I mean really, it’s bad news bears. This is one of the TOP reasons for constipation. Ridding the body of it is a complex process, but can always be beat, I don’t care what your situation is. This is where I come in to battle with you in the trenches. Together we can DEFEAT candida! 🙂


A dehydrated gut will not work. Period. Shoot, a dehydrated body will not work! DRINK WATER PEOPLE! And not just any water. You need to be drinking fresh alkaline spring water to be exact. This is SO important, that I devote an ENTIRE week to water in my program!

10. Stress-

What happens when you get nervous? What do you feel in your stomach? Knots? Butterflies? Sick to your stomach? Think about it, your BRAIN feels nervous and your STOMACH feels sick. See the correlation? Stress depletes your body of magnesium first of all, but it completely shuts down many of your body’s systems to prepare you for something intense. This is why it is called “fight or flight” system. Your sympathetic nervous system is ignited when you are stressed causing a chain reaction of events to occur in your body preparing you to run away from a bear, give you super powers to fight a mountain lion, or lift a car…I know extreme, but get my point? This is NOT the optimal situation to make sure you are pooping properly. Well, for some people I guess it encourages the situation since we have the expression ” I’m going to crap my pants” when someone is scared. But for the most part, it shuts down your systems so all the blood goes to your extremities to give you the maximum energy to do what you need to, to survive. So, slow down and relax to dramatically improve your digestion. PLUS this is crucial for anyone wanting to lose weight. Stress causes that cortisol tire around the waste.

Now that you know the biggest culprits, on top of addressing each of the areas above, here are my personal favorites for fixing the problem. You can Google each of these for more info-
  1. Liquid Angstrom Magnesium and/or Peter Gillham’s “Calm” drink

  2. Home enemas with fresh spring water or organic coffee

  3. Colon hydrotherapy

  4. Lemon water

  5. PROBIOTICS! There are only a few brands I recommend to my clients, so make sure it’s a good brand!


  7. SUNRIDER FOODS!!! I can’t say enough about how these amazing foods have impacted my digestive system & health!

  8. Superfoods such as chlorella & Spirulina.

  9. Digestive Enzymes


There you have it folks. Have fun cleaning out the junk in your trunk! Remember, if you ever would like a FREE consultation for one of my health programs to get on the “Fast Track” to healing your body, mind, & soul for good, you can email me directly at or use my calendar link here to schedule your appointment and see if this would be a good fit for you!

In Health, Hope, & Happiness,


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Hey Friends!

Today, Saturday, January 5th at 12pm PST I will be offering a FREE CALL where you can ask any  health question!! All you need to do is email your questions into me beforehand at and I’ll answer them on the call!! If you can’t make the call, but would like to ask a question, just email it into me, I’ll answer it on the call and then send you the recording where you can also hear the answers to everyone else’s questions! Here are some of the topics we’ll be talking about…

  • Exercise

  • Gluten-Free Living

  • Sunrider Foods

  • Superfoods

  • Detox

  • & More!

Join me today and invite your family and friends!

Here is all the Call info you’ll need:

#: 1-213-226-0400

Code: 892976


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Getting Vulnerable…Why I Created The Empowered Woman Program

Today was a day of growth for me. You know how when we were kids and we had growing pains? These pains deeply ache, yet are necessary for us to grow into our adult bodies… Today was one of those days. Some amazing growth is happening in me, which I am incredibly thankful for, but as these chronic thoughts and mental habits are brought to the surface, it causes some “growing pains” in my heart.

As I was reflecting on my personal needs for physical, mental, & spiritual nourishment, I knew I needed to capture this vulnerable moment I was having in hopes to express my passion and reasoning behind creating the Empowered Woman program.

I hope my “realness” encourages you. After all, that’s what we’re here on this world to do is use our passions and strengths to help others, right? 🙂

Today you have a choice to make. Are you happy where you are in life mentally, physically, & spiritually or do you maybe need some more tools in your arsenal kit? What will the rest of your life look like? It’s YOU’RE choice!

Learn more about the Empowered Woman Program here!


Have a blessed day!


“Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.”

Proverbs 31:30

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Stop Focusing on What’s Wrong With You

Today is all about honesty. I’m going to be honest with you about one of my biggest struggles when it comes to my health, and why I haven’t been able to achieve as much as I should have in a shorter amount of time.

I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to worry…and mostly about my health. I know as a health coach and health advocate, most would think I never worry about my health. The truth is, all of my life I have struggled with anxiety. 5 years ago, it used to be miserable! I have come SUCH a long way since then, but I still do struggle with worrying about my health, the consequences of having my gallbladder removed, and concerned that I’m not always doing the right things at the right time for my body.

This is what is CRAZY about this…I really have no reason to worry! I would probably fit into the .0000001% of the world who is so excited and passionate about only putting good nutrition into my body, only toxic free products around my family and in my home, pure filtered mineral dense water, balancing hormones, staying alkaline, exercising, and mental/emotional wellness. Physically, my body is getting all the tools it needs to live until I’m 452 years old! It’s my thoughts that have become a barrier between where I am and where I want to be…

Last week, I had the privilege of meeting with a wonderful woman, who is my good friend’s mother, and she is incredibly intelligent in energetic medicine. Our time together spotlighted one of my biggest problems that is causing my continual personal health issues, which has nothing to do with nutrition, exercise, water, or environmental toxins. Maybe this is why you’re not getting well?

Learn more in my video below…

15 Amazing Facts About Your Body

Found at:

1. The stomach’s digestive acids are strong enough to dissolve zinc. Fortunately for us, the cells in the stomach lining renew so quickly that the acids don’t have time to dissolve it.

2. The lungs contain over 300,000 million capillaries (tiny blood vessels). If they were laid end to end, they would stretch 2400km (1500 miles).

3. A mans testicles manufacture 10 million new sperm cells each day – enough that he could repopulate the entire planet in only 6 months!

4. Human bone is as strong as granite in supporting weight. A block of bone the size of a matchbox can support 9 tonnes – that is four times as much as concrete can support.

5. Each finger and toenail takes six months to grow from base to tip.

6. The largest organ in the body is the skin. In an adult man it covers about 1.9m2 (20sq ft). The skin constantly flakes away – in a lifetime each person sheds around 18kg (40 lb) of skin.

7. When you sleep, you grow by about 8mm (0.3in). The next day you shrink back to your former height. The reason is that your cartilage discs are squeezed like sponges by the force of gravity when you stand or sit.

8. The average person in the West eats 50 tonnes of food and drinks 50,000 liters (11,000 gallons) of liquid during his life.

9. Each kidney contains 1 million individual filters. They filter an average of around 1.3 liters (2.2 pints) of blood per minute, and expel up to 1.4 liters (2.5 pints) a day of urine.

10. The focusing muscles of the eyes move around 100,000 times a day. To give your leg muscles the same workout, you would need to walk 80km (50 miles) every day.

11. In 30 minutes, the average body gives off enough heat (combined) to bring a half gallon of water to boil.

12. A single human blood cell takes only 60 seconds to make a complete circuit of the body.

13. A foreskin, the size of a postage stamp, from circumcised babies take only 21 days to grow skin that can cover three (3) basketball courts. Amazing isn’t it. Thanks to science. The laboratory-grown skin is used in treating burn patients.

14. The eyes receive approximately 90 percent of all our information, making us basically visual creatures.

15. The female ovaries contain nearly half-a-million egg cells, yet only 400 or so will ever get the opportunity to create a new life.

Sources: Reader’s Digest Book of Facts

Have an awesome day creating health & healing in your already AMAAAAZING BODY!!


“God gives me power when I am worn out and strength when I am weak.”

Isaiah 40:29

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