Happy Friday!!
I hope you all had a great week and are looking forward to an exciting weekend! Today’s spotlight on Feel Good Friday is…drumroll please…..CHOCOLATE!! Did you know cacao literally means food of the gods? Wow! Every knows that chocolate can make any situation a little better. 🙂 You may not know, however, why that is. And while some chocolates bring healing and happy feelings, there are others that bring destruction and wreak havoc on your hormones,body, brain, and BMI (Body Mass Index)! Make sure you know the difference!
wow…that is an attractive face they chose for the one to stop on..my apologese!
A Snapshot of Cacao Benefits:
- Packed with antioxidants, higher than most fruits & vegetables!
- Increases production of feel good hormones endorphines and seretonin in the brain.
- Decreases cardiac & stroke risk
- Decreases risk of colon cancer
- Promotes healthy blood sugar levels
- Full of healthy anti-inflammatory fats
- High amounts of magnesium & minerals promoting healthy muscle function
RAW- The most nutrient dense chocolate treats will be those that are made with raw cacao. This preserves all of it’s nutrients so your body can reap maximum benefits from your chocolate of choice.
ORGANIC- Cacao beans are one of the top sprayed crops on the market. Choosing organic will ensure you know what you’re biting into and don’t end up with chocolate covered pesticides.
CACAO %- The higher the cacao % of chocolate, the more nutrient dense and the less amount of sugar. Optimally you can make your own using 100% cacao and using stevia as a sweetener. If buying a bar, try to choose between 75-90%.
SWEETENER- If you do purchase a chocolate bar that has an added sweetener, make sure you know what sweetener they used. By all means avoid all artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharine, sucralose, & splenda.
ADDED INGREDIENTS- Make sure you know what’s going into your chocolate. Some choices may have added ingredients such as milk, lactose, and chemical ingredients. You want chocolate to be as pure as possible.
Forms of Cacao
Raw cacao Bars
Raw cacao Powder
Raw Cacao nibs
Some of my favorite chocolate brands…
Would you like my most FAVORITE homemade superfood raw chocolate recipe???
All i ask is that you share this article. Share it on Facebook, Twitter, or Email to a friend. If you share it on Facebook and tag my page, Jessica Lopez, RN & Holistic Health Coach, I’ll know you shared it and send you the recipe. If you use other avenues, email me at Jessica@JessicaLopezRN.com and I’ll email you my favorite recipe! (Allow 12-24 hours for me to get it to you 🙂 )
Read more about how AMAZING chocolate can be for you!
- http://www.naturalnews.com/035035_dark_chocolate_health_benefits_cacao.html
- http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/09/21/can-eating-this-sweet-treat-decrease-risk-of-the-1-cause-of-death.aspx
- http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/12/12/Dark-Chocolate-The-New-Antianxiety-Drug.aspx
- http://www.secrets-of-longevity-in-humans.com/raw-cacao-benefits.html
Don’t forget to checkout my new program THE EMPOWERED WOMAN! Starting Soon!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!