I can’t hold it in anymore….I am SO frustrated and irritated at misinformation and people being preyed on by corrupted companies, doctors, pharmaceutical industries who develop a falsity to happiness by telling people they can lose weight fast in any other way than by eating healthy, exercising, stress management, and taking care of yourself.
There are SO many women especially who spend their ENTIRE LIVES trying every diet on the planet, diet pills, drops, etc in attempts to lose weight, and it NEVER WORKS, and we are left feeling defeated, depressed, broken, unhealthy, unloved, invaluable…and the cycle continues.
If YOU have been looking for that magic diet, magic pill, magic anything, you need to stop looking outward and look within. I am giving you an opportunity. An opportunity to not only lose those extra pounds, but feel stronger than you ever have. An opportunity to regain your confidence, to lose the insecurities, lose the self-hatred, self-doubting, self-bashing fest, and come to a place where you actually FEEL how incredibly beautiful, powerful, and capable your body was created to be!
These challenge groups I’ve been running are a place where individuals have pushed themselves out of their comfort zone, tried new exercises, a new way of thinking, a new way of eating, have learned to love and invest in themselves, and have seen the incredible results that come when you commit to this program.
For those of you who are still wondering what this whole “challenge group” thing is about, we are just a group of ordinary people who are sick of feeling sick and incapable. We all share the goal of transforming into our best, strong, healthy, confident, fit selves, and we are committed to keeping each other accountable through the process. We have a private FB group where we post pictures, recipes, videos, questions, concerns, victories, and encouragement to keep each other going strong. This works. Period. If you’re looking for a guarantee, you’ve got it right here. Beachbody goes as far as having a bottom of the bag guarantee on their Shakeology, meaning, they believe in their product SO much that even if you consume the whole bag, if you’re not happy with the results you got, they’ll refund your money… 100%. That is UNHEARD OF in this industry!
I’m not going to beg you. I don’t NEED anything from you. I WANT, SO DEEPLY for illness, obesity, and preventable diseases to be eradicated. This is one incredibly effective way to get strong, lean, healthy, energized, confident, and happy in record time. But you have to want it, and you have to be willing to put the work in.
If this is you, I want you right now to send me an email or text. I’ll even give you my number to get in touch with me and ask me any questions you may have. I want that deeply for you to succeed.
Phone- 209-840-0900 (Text messages only please)
If you know someone who needs to hear this message, feel free to share it. We need to band together and start looking into WHY we are one of the sickest industrialized nations in the world…it’s time to stop being the victim and start taking control of our futures for the generations to come.
-The Health Patriot