Q&A Recording

Hey Everyone!

We just had a GREAT Q&A Call today for the upcoming program, “The Empowered Woman”! Thanks everyone who was able to join us! I know many of you were not able to make it due to work schedules, so I made sure to record it. Below you will find a link to download the recording as well as a recording player.

Make sure you check out all the details on our upcoming program over on The Empowered Woman page!


Click here to download recording

Click play and wait a few seconds to play on audio player below:

Feel free to pass it on to friends & family!

Have a blessed day!!


Jessica Lopez, RN

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Hey Everyone!

Today, I want to share 3 of my favorite Go-To, Under 5-Minute Superfood meals with you! We all know vegetables and salads can be a bit boring sometimes if you eat them for every meal, but these are AMAZING and never get old! Here’s a sneak peak at their delishisness…



So, here’s what I’m going to do today…I want you to head on over to my page on “The Empowered Woman”, and if this sounds like something you’re interested in, I want you to put your email in the box at the bottom and use the calendar link you’ll receive in your email to schedule a FREE appointment with me to talk about how I can help you.

Once you put your email in, I’ll send you these 3 one-of-a-kind delicious recipes straight to your inbox!

And if you like the looks of these beauties, all the members of my program are really in for a treat! I’ll be giving them all my secrets and cream of the crop from my recipe collections. FUN! 🙂

I hope you all have a great day today and I hope to talk with you soon! Remember, if you know any women…which I’m pretty sure you do…pass on the link and program details, maybe you can do it together! Friends helping friends, that’s what it’s all about, right?



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The Empowered Woman

I am SO excited to announce the launching of my revolutionary program, “The Empowered Woman”! For all you women out there, you have to check this out! This program will rock your world- in the BEST way possible!

To learn all about it, CLICK HERE!

There are only 15 spots available and they are already starting to fill up! Save your seat now!

I’m excited to talk with you!



Want to hear what others are saying? Check out the TESTIMONIALS section here!

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Perception Changer- Forgiveness

Today I was inspired to encourage everyone to forgive. The POWER we have when we CHOOSE to forgive instead of resent and hold on to the past is incredibly freeing. For those of you who want to experience freedom in the deepest way, today could be a huge day for you. Today you have the opportunity to forgive even the worst of acts that have been committed against you.

Despite what our flesh likes to believe, THERE IS NO ACT that cannot be forgiven. I know that sounds radical and this statement in no way is going to make me popular. We like to believe we have the “right” to hold on to things. The enemy (aka- the bastard Satan) likes to speak lies into our hearts and tell us that we need to retaliate, the other person needs to see justice and we need to make sure that happens, there is no way we can forgive that unforgivable act….Do these thoughts sound familiar? We all have experienced them at one point in our lives.

Today is a new day and we have a new challenge. It is both incredibly simple and incredible difficult. Right now you could change the rest of your future. There is a split road right in front of you. Which way will you choose?

I will be honest with you, one of the biggest challenges when it comes to forgiveness in my life is forgiving the drunk driver who hit my father and I when I was 11 and as a result, killed my father. I have two choices: A.) I could HATE this man, and have every reason to. He deliberately drank too much, got behind a wheel irresponsibly and caused a man to be killed, a family to forever be changed and filled with pain, a wife to lose her high school sweetheart and kids to grow up without their real father. This death was 100% preventable…it wasn’t an illness, an accident…no, it was stupidity of another human being that changed my life forever. In the world’s eyes, I have every right to be angry and want to see this man pay for the rest of his life for what he did. That is one choice I have…to hold onto anger, resentment, bitterness… B.) The not so popular choice. I could forgive him. I could forgive this unforgivable act. Why would I do such a thing? I’ll tell you it is definitely a supernatural act! But, you know what?I have been called to live a life set apart. I WANT to live a life free from hatred and resentment. As a health expert, I know what negative feelings such as hatred and anger do to the human body and let me tell you, it is extremely damaging. This man has already caused enough pain in my family. Why in the world would I give HIM power over my body, happiness, and health? I don’t think so mister…

So, I choose the second choice. I told this man when we were in trial that I forgave  him and I meant it. I sat there in a wheel chair with 14 screws and a metal plate in my leg and told him I forgave him at 11 years old and I hoped he found Jesus. To this day I hope the same thing. I refuse to let the enemy have victory over ANY area in my life, and that is my prayer for you.

What area in your heart, and your life have you not surrendured? The definition of Forgiveness is really helpful. Forgiveness is releasing another person of the responsibility to fix what happened. That simple. Who in your life do you need to release of the responsibility to fix what has been done in your life? Did they come to mind? Now say these words with me ” I forgive __________ from any wrongdoing that has been done in my life. I release them of the responsibility to make it better and can now move on with my life knowing this bump in the road will only make me stronger and a warrior for God’s kingdom.”

There you go! DONE! You have just chosen which direction the rest of your life will go. MAKE today an amazing day and share forgiveness, peace, love, and joy with whoever you encounter today.



“Forgive the unforgivable…because that is what Christ did for us”

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Today’s Green Smoothie

Mmmmm….This is delicious you guys! Too delicious not to share! Today’s smoothie is a mixture of what I had in my fridge and it came out perfect! Here’s today’s green smoothie recipe…

*Blend it all up and pour into your favorite wine glass…well, atleast that’s my preference ;).

This smoothie is super filling and is perfect for the morning to keep you full. I just got back from the gym and all of these nutrients are perfect for rebuilding muscles and replenishing the body after a workout.

Have a great day everyone! Go kick the crap out of those sick cells in your body!



“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)

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“Manly” Meal Night- Burgers & Fries

Tonight we had more of a “manly meal” for two studly basketball players. Instead of salad & fish, we had burgers & fries. As you guys know, nothing comes out of my kitchen that isn’t nourishing to the body, and this was no exception. These burgers were delicious and popped with flavor!

I topped these beefy burgers with these beautiful local organic tomatoes, onions, avocados, some organic condiments, and wrapped in a beautiful local red lettuce. MMM!

These red potato fries were the perfect pair to the perfect burger. They were crispy and FULL of flavor!


Here are some fun facts about red potatoes…

1. They are high in Vitamin B-6 which has shown to be essential in enzymatic function in the body.

2. It has been shown to not spike your blood sugar as much as the average Russet Potato.

3. It is less-likely to feed Candida Yeast overgrowth and usually considered a safe food on most candida-killing diets such as the “Body Ecology Diet”.

4. It is low in calories with a good amount of fiber.

5. They contain high levels of anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant. The red potato contains five times the level of antioxidants compared with the russet potato.

6. Contain a good amount of protein with 4 completely bio-available grams.

To better demo how EASY this meal is to throw together, I made a quick video in my cute little Spanish Kitchen. Enjoy!

Recipe for Best Burgers Ever


  • 500 grams or about 1 lb.  Organic GRASS-FED ground beef

  • 1 c. shredded organic zucchini

  • 1 Tbs. ground chia seed

  • 1/4 c. raw feta cheese

  • 10 kalamata olives diced

  • 1 chopped green onion

  • 1 1/2 Tb. Gluten-Free Worcestershire sauce

    1 Tbs. RAW Apple Cider Vinegar

    1 Organic Egg (optional)


1. Mix all ingredients in a food processor or large bowl with hands until well combined.

2. Make patties to be about 3-4 inches in diameter.

3. Preheat grill or BBQ and place burgers on grill approximately 3-4 min. each side depending on preference.

4. After you flip them you can add a slice of raw cheese to make cheeseburgers.

5. Serve these patties on toasted gluten free buns or wrapped in lettuce and add desired healthy condiments :)

Recommended Healthy Condiments:

*Avocado, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles

*Organic mustard, mayo, ketchup (NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP)




Recipe for Fantastic Fries

  • 3-4 Large red potatoes
  • 4-5 tbs extra virgin coconut oil or raw butter
  • Seasonings: Himalayan salt, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Wash and cut potatoes into french fry shapes.

3. Place cut potatoes in a large ziplock bag and add melted coconut oil and seasonings. Shake until all potatoes are covered.

4. Spread french fries out onto a baking sheet covered in parchment paper.

5. Place on one of the top racks in the oven and bake for approximately 15-20 minutes. Check on them half way through and stir around.

6. Enjoy with your delicious burger!



That’s all for today guys. I hope you enjoyed this recipe! Have a beautiful day and I pray that everything you do today is blessed. 🙂


P.S…If you haven’t already entered your email to follow my blog, scroll down to the bottom of this page and do so now! You can also sign up to get my monthly newsletters by clicking on the newsletter tab on the main page! And feel free to pass this on to anyone you feel would enjoy it! 🙂


“For I know the plans I have for you, declare the LORD, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you a HOPE and a FUTURE.” – God

(Jeremiah 29:11)

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Mocha Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Made With Love

This recipe is by far our favorite cookie recipe! Here are my favorite things about it…

  • It’s super fast
  • It’s super easy
  • Gluten-Free
  • Very low Glycemic Index (meaning it doesn’t spike your blood sugar like most sweets)
  • Full of minerals
  • Liver nourishing nutrients
  • Dairy-Free (option)
  • Nut-Free (option)
  • Candida Diet Friendly
  • Body Ecology Diet Friendly
  • Easily customizable to your liking with your own add ins
  • And above all…they are SUPER DELISH!

Check out my video on how to make these cookies at home!


  • 1 egg
  • 3/4-1 c coconut sugar or xylitol (3/4cup is fine for me, but if you need them sweeter, you can use 1 cup)
  • 4 tbs raw cacao powder
  • 1 tbs vanilla extract
  • 1/2 c coconut oil or raw butter
  • 1/2 tsp himalayan salt
  • 1 c buckwheat flour (preferred sprouted, but not necessary)
  • 1/2 tbs cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp aluminum-free baking soda
  • 2 tbs. Dandyblend

Optional add-in’s

  • 1/2-1  cup Organic dark chocolate chunks or cacao nibs
  • 1/2 cup sliced almonds or walnut pieces (optional)
  • 1/4 cup hemp seeds
  • 1/4 c. goji berries
  • 1/2 tsp mint extract- for chocolate mint cookies

  1. Preheat oven to 375 F.
  2. In a food processor, kitchen aid, or hand blender, process egg and sugar until fluffy. Add softened butter and vanilla extract and process until completely combined .
  3. Add dry ingredients and process until combined.
  4. Add in desired add-in’s and stir in with hand.
  5. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and use a tablespoon to drop rounds of dough onto paper, leaving 2 inches between each cookie.
  6. Bake for 8 minutes or until lightly golden brown. Remove from oven and with a spatula remove from cookie sheet and place on cooling rack or a piece of foil or paper on counter top. Cookies will harden when cooled.

Hope your family loves them as much as mine does!



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Tonight’s Dinner: Zucchinni & Tempeh- OH so good!

Tonight’s dinner is one that takes 5 minutes and is DELISH! I was in the mood for something light, and this is what my brain came up with. Hope you enjoy it!

Here is what you’ll need:

  • 1 zucchini
  • Organic tempeh- OR- Your choice of clean meat
  • 3 tbs Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Seasonings (optional)
  • Hemp Seeds

To see the video of how EASY this really is, check out my video!


I hope everyone has a great weekend!




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Hey You!

I’m so happy you found me here at www.jessicalopezrn.com, where you get to learn all about me and my passion in kicking the crap out of disease & illness and helping you restore your body to it’s optimal state. I hope you enjoy all of my recipes, rants, and raves! 🙂

If you’d like to learn more about me and why I am doing what I am doing, check out the About Me tab above. You can always contact me anytime as well by emailing me at jessica@jessicalopezrn.com.
Thanks! I hope you have a wonderful day!!

P.S…Check back often as I am making many changes throughout my site to improve it’s usability. 🙂



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