Yay! It’s the weekend! Every Saturday I’m going to be bringing you some tips on exercise- workouts, reasons to exercise, and more! Today’s topic is….ZUUUUUUUMBA!
I had fun taking sweaty pictures today, as you can tell! I had a BLAST in today’s Zumba class. My gym here in Spain just started offering Zumba this week and I was SO excited! It’s funny because anyone who knows me, knows I am not the most graceful
person… I remember one day in Junior High, I was at a girls church retreat and I sprained my ankle and was in a soft cast and
crutches for a month! What was I doing you may ask….well, it wasn’t playing soccer, rock climbing, in an obstacle course, or snowboarding…I was running in place. Ha! Yep, clutzy me was able to manage to sprain my ankle pretty bad while running in place.
So, you can imagine how graceful I am in Zumba. It’s actually quite funny to watch myself in the mirror, but I LOVE IT! When people find out I’m half Mexican, they always think I naturally have rhythm and can bust a move like nobody’s business. But, I always tell them, the upper half of me is Mexican, the lower half of me is as gringo as it gets!
Back to Zumba…If there is a class around you, TAKE IT! It may take a few classes to get the hang of it, but it is an amazing workout and so much fun! The reason why so many people loathe exercise is because they make it so boring! Zumba is great for your core, arms, legs, butt, and amazing cardio! I recent study was done showing that the average calorie burn in Zumba classes is 817 per hour!!! Holy smokes that’s amazing!
For more info on the benefits of Zumba, check out this awesome article written by the Huffington Post. I couldn’t have written better than they did.
TODAY’S CHALLENGE: Get sweaty! I don’t care HOW, WHERE, or WHY you do it, just get sweaty at some point today! 😉 Then post your sweaty picture on my FACEBOOK PAGE HERE!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone and remember to share this info with your friends!
“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.” ~1 Corinthians 9:24-25
Make sure you check out my new program,
“The Empowered Woman”!