This Woman DEFEATED Breast Cancer & Ovarian Cyst Disappeared for GOOD in 4 Months!

I am absolutely LOVING sharing these inspiring stories!!! We all need more inspiration in our lives, right?! Today’s story is about an amazing woman who went through a roller coaster ride of cancer diagnoses, surgeries, radiation, and medications only to find more cancer, which is when she chose a different road that healed her for good! Check out her story!!



-This story is featured on where you can find multiple testimonies!-


Hi! My name is Sharon Hruska. I am 46 years old and I am a Director in Sunrider. I live in Courtland, Ohio with my husband Jim. We have a married daughter named Desiree and a son-in-law, Matthew. I am a public speaker for women’s organizations.

My journey with Sunrider began two years ago. I have had a series of health challenges that led me to these regenerative foods. Nine years ago I was being treated for fibrocystic disease. The night before my mammogram, I discovered a tiny lump that was extremely hard with irregular edges. I had surgery to have the lump removed and after the diagnosis, more procedures were needed. I had radiation, a lymph node dissection and was put on a drug called Tamoxifen. I was then given a ninety-five percent chance to totally recover. That was exciting! However, six years later when I heard my doctor say that a more aggressive approach was needed, this brought more surgery and devastation.

Once again, I was put on the drug called Tamoxifen, this time doubling the dose. I found myself descending into depression. A new drug called Fareston was introduced to try to stop this from happening. I found myself with no energy. I couldn’t sleep without assistance and it took every bit of strength to get through the day. I was desperately trying to stay above board. I did get through that year only to be faced with another challenge. I was having some problems on my left side so my oncologist did some blood work and sent me to a gynecologist. When she came in she said, “I am the bearer of bad news.” I couldn’t believe I was on this roller coaster again. My CA 125 blood count was 171 so she sent me to an oncologist/gynecologist for more testing. They discovered an eight-centimeter cyst on my ovary. The doctor wasn’t sure what was going on and said the next step would be exploratory surgery. I said, “no thanks” and we headed for home.

I guess you could say I had had enough. I told my husband I couldn’t go through another surgery. We prayed for another way and I believe this was answered when I was given a video called “Healthy For Life Seminar” by J.W. Emerson. I heard some things I had never heard before and it offered me hope. I asked my husband to watch the video and he said that he would watch it “tomorrow.” I said, “No, please watch it today.” After he watched the video, he too could see how this could change my health. I was ready to do whatever it would take to get my body back to a healthy state.

The first thing I did was become a vegetarian. This was not a hard choice for me as I never thought I should be eating “dead” animals. I just needed someone to tell me it was better for me. I began eating the basic Sunrider foods – one package of Quinary a day (equal to 10 capsules), two packages of Alpha 20C (to build my immune system), one package of NuPlus, one package of Fortune Delight or Calli, with Suncare (Sunectar in the U.S.) added. I didn’t like the Calli much, but have since learned why. Apparently my acidic body was cleansing and I was getting a metallic taste in my mouth. The Fortune Delight didn’t seem to have such a strong effect. But now I love my Calli! I drink at least 4 carafes a day. (I make it in a drip coffee maker that has never had coffee it in). I put the bag of Calli or Fortune Delight in the carafe and fill the back portion of the “Calli Maker” with filtered water.

There were moments when I wanted to get off track, but I just kept reminding myself that my health was more important than a few moments of fleshly desire. I followed this regimen for four months and then I had to go back for more blood tests and a sonogram.

When the results were in, the nurse called and said she couldn’t believe it! My blood count was down to a 26.64, which means it is in normal range and there was a resolution to the cyst, which means it is gone! She said she would have to call me back, as they didn’t know what they were going to do with me. On her return call, she said they were going to release me and I should call if there was any problem.

I haven’t needed to call them, but I do continue to see my local oncologist on a 6-month basis.

So, our Sunrider Journey has begun! We are excited to share what the foods have done for us. Yes, Jim is enjoying the benefits of Sunrider too! Though my husband appeared to be in excellent health, he did lose 25 pounds of toxic waste. He also became a vegetarian – something I would never have asked him to do with his Hungarian/Slovak heritage. As well, we never intended on building a Sunrider business, but we feel it would be a grave injustice if we kept these wonderful foods to ourselves.

I continue to eat one package of Quinary a day, two to three packages of Alpha 20C, and three to four scoops of NuPlus every day. And of course I drink my Calli! I have added Beauty Pearl to my program. I was having sixteen “hot flashes” a day and now it is a rarity to get even one. I no longer take Fareston or take a sleeping pill. My energy level continues to soar!

There are some other choices that I have made that I believe have contributed to the improvement in the way I feel. As a vegetarian, I do not eat meat of any kind. I do my best to stay away from refined sugar, hydrogenated oils and dairy. I must confess though, dairy is my hardest to give up, and from time to time I have a little cheese.

Sinus infections were something I dealt with at least five times a year and since my diet has changed, I have not had one sinus infection! Another bonus is our Sunsmile Toothpaste and Whitening gel. I was using whitening toothpaste from another company, and it was burning my mouth. I guess I should have read the warning label that was on it. When I called that company and told them what was happening, they quickly refunded my money. Since using our SunSmile toothpaste, I get great checkups, and don’t need to worry about my mouth burning. And I don’t have a “warning” label on my Sunrider toothpaste container!

For those of you reading this testimony, remember these are foods and NOT medicine. The concept is a little strange at the beginning. We are not used to eating foods that come out of little packages. Think of Sunrider as the highest form of nutrition in a fast-food form. I’d like to encourage you to begin as soon as you can and eat as much as your budget can afford. The person who gave you this testimony can show you how you can earn money to pay for these wonderful foods, or how you can travel the world if that is your heart’s desire.
We recently returned home from our Sunrider convention in Los Angeles, California. It was wonderful to hear Dr. Chen speak of the way he formulates these wonderful products. It is obvious he puts a lot of knowledge, love and care into his work – and he does it for us!
My prayer is that my story will not fall on deaf ears but will offer hope to all that read it.

– Sharon Hruska


Fascinating, Right?!?! I want YOU to experience these INCREDIBLE life-giving herbal foods for yourself! They have radically changed my life and I have tried A LOT! I am NOT a sales person, I am a person incredibly passionate about helping others prevent and defeat disease, and I have NEVER found something as powerful as the Sunrider foods!



Check out our Sunrider page!


JOIN our FREE Sunrider community on Facebook here!

And as always, you can email me at!

In Health, Hope, & Happiness,

a sig


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Conquered Cancer & Regenerated His Liver with NO Chemo or Rads!

I would like to share with you an AMAZING story about a Cancer Conqueror who was given a life-changing cancer diagnosis and BEAT it in total amazement to the doctors! 


Few people would think of my husband as the typical alternative medicine user. He preferred meat and potatoes to vegetarian fare. He headed straight to conventional medical doctors when he was sick. He was a conservative 50-year-old director of counseling at a large church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was also a colon cancer patient and a soon-to-be firm believer in Sunrider nutritional products as an alternative medicinal treatment to chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

When Doug’s cancer was diagnosed in 1993, the tumor was so large it nearly closed off his colon. After a colon resection the outlook was not good. The cancer had permeated the wall of the colon and was also found in his lymph nodes along with several small tumors in his lower abdomen. Chemotherapy and radiation were prescribed as post-surgery treatments. Even with chemo and radiation, the doctors could not promise that the cancer would not return.

When you hear a diagnosis like that, it’s like a stake driven through your heart. Even with our faith in God, we felt vulnerable and very helpless. Doug underwent a colon resection followed by one year of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. During that year, Doug began to investigate alternative treatments to chemo and radiation. He began treatments from a naturopathic doctor but four years later the cancer metastasized in his liver. The tumor in his liver was the size of an orange. Surgery was performed once again and the tumor removed. This time, even though chemotherapy was once again prescribed, Doug decided against it. All of his research pointed to nutrition and building his immune system as the “key” to fighting this disease.

I translated his decision as a death sentence. Doug urged me to read the books and information that had transformed his thinking. We became vegan vegetarians. Dairy, meat of any kind and eggs were eliminated from our diet. We were introduced to Sunrider foods and encouraged by a woman (named Faith) to begin eating these foods to bring his body into balance and eventually allow it to fight against the cancer cells. Faith had been walking free from lymphoma cancer for four years at that time, eating Sunrider products (six years at this point) with no chemotherapy treatments. She explained Sunrider nutritional herbs are designed to boost the immune system and inhibit the cancer cell growth and even shrink existing tumors.

Three months after our introduction to Sunrider, cancer was found again in his liver, exactly where it had metastasized before. Surgery and chemo were once again encouraged. Doug immediately began eating 100 times the normal amount of Sunrider’s Alpha 20C, specifically for boosting the immune system until the time of his surgery and for quite some time after. We chose to go to M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center in Houston and have the tumor removed. Two-thirds of Doug’s liver was removed along with the tumor. He continued to eat the Sunrider foods and refrained from chemo or radiation treatments. When the tumor was removed, it had already shrunk and was encapsulated, proving his immune system was attacking the cancer cells and eating away at the tumor.

One of Doug’s doctors at M.D. Anderson, told him to continue eating the herbal foods from Sunrider. After examining the contents of NuPlus the Doctor exclaimed, “There is nothing in this that can hurt him – it’s just food!” Doug did not eat the hospital food – he ate only Sunrider foods. After eating Sunrider for only six months, his doctor told him he had the respiratory system of a 30-year-old. He was released from the hospital earlier than anticipated. His liver regenerated in 4 weeks and the cancer has not returned.

“Chinese herbs can maximize the functions of a person’s immune system and improve overall health,” practitioners insist.
We believe in the quality of Sunrider products and trust the integrity of the company to produce safe herbal products for people like us. I have had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Tei Fu Chen who is a pharmacist and herbologist. Dr. Chen’s wife, Oi-Lin is a western-trained physician. The Chen’s herbal formulas are from 5,000 year-old Chinese herbal formulas handed down from his ancestors. He has taken these formulas, condensed them and is able to offer them in as pure a form as the old Chinese methods when the herbs were cooked, the fiber discarded, and the remaining liquid drank for ailments of all kinds.

In a radical change from just a few years ago, many doctors now say it is perfectly fine for cancer patients to try other things. What do complimentary therapies offer the cancer patient? Practitioners say these therapies can abate the side effects of other treatments, such as nausea. They can improve the quality of life by reducing stress, anxiety and pain. Perhaps most important, they can alleviate the feelings of helplessness and hopelessness so common among cancer patients. Many people, of course, also are hoping that these therapies will alter the course of the disease, even if they have not been proven by western medicine to do so.

Sunrider does not claim to have the cure for disease. However, special formulas of Chinese herbal nutritional products are known to build the immune system, thus providing the body with fuel to fight the disease itself. And that’s what Sunrider does best!


It’s SO amazing what the body can overcome when given the right tools. I’ve experienced it for myself and now want to SHOUT IT FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOPS!!!!

I would absolutely LOVE to talk with you about the exciting opportunity for optimum health in the Sunrider foods and answer any questions you may have! Email me anytime at

Want to learn more?

Check out more about Sunrider here- Sunrider Info


In Health, Hope, & Happiness,

a sig

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Thrifty Thursday- Learn From the Top 10 Cancer Experts- FOR FREE!!

Happy Thrifty Thursday!!! Today, I am spotlighting something FREE and INCREDIBLY valuable!

I just came across something that really struck a chord for me…

It’s a video and event that I think you’ll definitely want to check out.

By the end of 2012, cancer will have affected 1.6 million people in the United States alone.

Almost 600,000 people will die in that same time period.

It’s hard not to ignore an epidemic like this.  Almost everyone is affected in some way or another – whether it’s a family member, a friend, a co-worker or maybe even you.

What’s even more evident is that with all the money and efforts put into finding a cure for cancer, it still seems there’s been little motion forward.  People are still suffering.

What’s not evident is that there is a small group of doctors, professionals, nutritionists and activists working behind the scenes on protocols that they say can prevent or even treat certain cancers effectively.

Many of them practice in fear of losing their licenses and careers, but they push on because what they see in their practices is success.

Recently, health author Kevin Gianni decided to do something to bring these experts to the forefront.  His own family has been affected by cancer twice – his father died and mother went through chemotherapy and surgery for breast cancer.

For the second year in a row, starting October 31st, 2012, he’s asked 10 of the top natural cancer doctors and researchers to share what they’re doing in their clinics throughout the world.  He’s also asked survivors to tell their stories of natural healing.

This special, free online event is called the “Healing Cancer World Summit 2012” and you can read more about it and register here (it’s free)…

Last year over 52,000 people attended this online event!

This group of experts includes doctors, nutritionists, advocates and survivors – all in the same online forum – that will share their science, research and stories to share the options that are available that you may never have heard about.

Some of the 9 experts include Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez, Dr. Francisco Contreras, Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, Mike Adams, and more.  Combined, this group has had decades of experience working with cancer patients in their clinics.

During the program, you’ll…

– Find out what therapies these doctors and experts are using that they say can prevent and even treat cancers naturally.

– Discover herbs and supplements that are scientifically known to prevent cancer.

– Discover scientific and documented proof that natural cancer treatments work.

– Learn how to detoxify and cleanse the body naturally… and safely.

– And much more.

To listen in to this online event is completely free.  You can read more or sign up here!

Again, the event starts in just SIX DAYS, so be sure to sign up now.  Also, the event is FREE, but if you’d like to have the recordings of this event in your own library there is a special option for you to purchase the downloads once you sign up.

Here’s where to go now…

Read more about having this incredible collection in your home library!

When you register now, you’ll also get 2 special video bonuses delivered to you right away.  One that shares some of the most effective cancer prevention tools available to you right now!

I hope you’ll join me for this incredible event!!



PS. The event registration is open until October 31st, but be sure to register early and you’ll get three special bonus gifts that you can access right away while you’re waiting for the kickoff.

Here’s where to register now…


PPS. This event also launches at the end of Cancer Awareness Month in the U.S., so Kevin felt it was necessary to allow all sides of the spectrum to speak during this important month.

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