Heavy Periods, PMS, PCOS… The Root Cause No One is Talking About…

  • Do you struggle with heavy, painful periods?
  • Do you struggle with PMS or PMR?
  • Have you been diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids or Adenomyosis?
There’s a common root cause that no one is really talking about at your doctor’s appointments. In this video I explain a common cause- the liver- what the symptoms are and most importantly what you can do about it!
For questions or more info, email me at healthpatriotcoaching@gmail.com.
To shop the hormone-safe products I mention, visit https://healthpatriot.hughandgrace.com/
Do you know someone who needs this info?? Feel free to pass this on!
Need more guidance? Schedule a 1:1 with me!
Make today amazing, friends!
Coach Jess
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