Hey There!
January 11th is here, and most of those New Year’s Resolutions have faded by now, leaving many people hopeless, frustrated, and further away from their goals than ever. I want to speak to a very small group of women today who want more for themselves, more for their family, and more for their life! NOW is the time that you become all that you have set out to be.
NOW is the beginning of the rest of your life.
I have been given an opportunity and a mission to recruit women who want to be EMPOWERED against life’s challenges. I’m looking for a select number of women who are SICK of failure, SICK of feeling sick, SICK of feeling hopeless, and READY to do something about it! If this doesn’t resonate with you, you can stop reading this right now. If these words are pumping you up and getting you excited about what I have to say…then please keep reading.
Tomorrow, I will be starting the 7th week of my women’s health program called “The Empowered Woman”. Only 6 weeks into the program, I have never been more ecstatic about the vision the Lord has given me to empower the lives of other women around the world.
When I was sick and searching for any source of hope and relief I could get my hands on, I would always look for the testimonies and feedback section, because to me, that is where the real proof is of whether something is what it is advertised to be. So, today, I wanted to share some feedback from the wonderful ladies who are going through this program as we speak. They all come from different places, backgrounds, experiences, health conditions, and ages. Yet, somehow they have ALL found hope, inspiration, and passion to tell everyone else why they love what they’ve seen and why everyone needs to check this program out! Read for yourself…
“Jessica has an incredible calling on her life to empower women healing wholly from the inside out. Her program is created to connect the mind, body and soul for overall wellness. She has been a change agent in helping me take hold of my health on all levels; mentally, spiritually, and physically. The complete interconnected picture. Everyday we figure out something new and move forward to thriving like never before.” – Candace, 29, CA
“I am so glad that I made the decision to join The Empowered Woman program. It makes perfect sense- healing of the mind, body, and soul all in one program; any program that just focuses on one aspect of our lives is lacking. I hadn’t realized it, but before I started the program, I had accepted that I was going to have to live the rest of my life in pain. I had basically given up on any hope that my symptoms and my quality of life could get better. I truly believed that things were as good as they were ever going to get. For over ten years, I have
struggled with the chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and nutritional deficiencies that come with Crohn’s disease. I have had multiple intestinal surgeries and had tried every medication out there that was available for inflammatory bowel disease. My senior year of high school my doctor decided to give me a double dose of an immuno-suppressive drug, and that is what finally put me into”remission” so I could finish high school and attend college.
Ever since then, my symptoms were tolerable enough so I could function, but I still suffered from chronic abdominal pain and all symptoms I previously suffered from, but in a milder version. Although I was taking extra doses of strong medication to try and treat my anemia, I became so iron deficient and anemic that I needed 2-units of blood to restore my body. Getting out of bed each morning felt like an impossible task some days, it was hard to accept that I would have to endure another day in pain. It was no help that coupled with my Crohn’s disease, I suffer from chronic and sometimes crippling anxiety and depression.
I met Jessica first in nursing school, and I had been keeping my eye on her activities via Facebook since graduating. Her Empowered Woman Program caught my eye, but I have to admit, I was quite skeptical at first. With each video and article that I read about her program, it just made more and more sense to me, and I knew I had to do it. Now, I can honestly say, after only 6 weeks in the program I have never regretted joining, and I am so overjoyed that I did it. She introduced me to the Sunrider foods, and they have already benefited me so much. My nausea has diminished, my energy has increased, my abdominal pain has decreased, and I look forward to each new day. Jessica is so approachable and has a genuine friendliness and care about her that makes it a joy to learn form her. I have already gained so much knowledge and wisdom from her about taking the best care of our bodies, and how to tap into the amazing sustenance that God continually offers us. Most importantly, Jessica has restored my hope. God is working through her to do amazing things, and though her and by His grace I was reminded that Jesus our Lord is our healer, and that even things that I thought were no longer possible are through Him.” – Stacey, 25, CA
There are health programs and health coaches on every corner these days, each with their own style, own experience, and their own specialty. There are AMAZING people out there who are passionate about helping others with their health and getting them back on track. For many of you, my program will NOT be a good fit. But for a select few of you, THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR. For some of you, reading these words and testimonials is causing your heart to beat a little faster, your eyes to concentrate more intensely, sense of hope to fill your spirit, and maybe even a grin starting to form on your face…something within you is telling you that THIS is where your life begins….THIS is what you’ve been searching for, for so many years.
I can honestly tell you that the reason I am SO confident in this program and the material and the way it is formulated is because if you knew the way it all came together, you would know there is NO way I could have done it on my own. I truly believe this is a Divinely inspired journey that was created for a special group of women in the world who are ready to become Empowered against the 3-D’s-Disease, Depression, & the Devil!
“I started The Empowered Woman Program six-weeks ago and at that time I had just lost my husband to cancer. I was drinking a lot and on a large list of medications which are two things that had become very familiar for 40+ years. I was also
eating anything that I wanted which wasn’t much, except some of the Sunrider foods my daughter started me on. Now six-weeks later, I haven’t had any alcohol, I am off all medications, and eating more of a whole foods diet which includes no sugar, dairy, gluten, bread, canned food, or boxed food. I am trying everything Jessica suggests. The Empowered Women program has changed my whole way of eating, praying and living.
P.S. I have a new daughter and her name is Jessica Lopez.” – Pam, 65, CA
“Hi, my name is Gina and I am loving my “Empowered Women Group”! For years I have been doing a lot right, eating healthy, making morning smoothies etc. However, I feel like there is always room for improvement and growth and I am so very thankful for Jessica’s Empowered
Woman program. I finally found the missing link my body was screaming for! REST!! Yep, mental and physical rest. No more guilt for napping, resting, or not going 100 miles per hour being everything to everyone. God did not create these amazing bodies for that.
The Chapters are super user friendly and easy to follow. And it’s great that it’s not too overwhelming for us busy women. Apart from mom and wife, I am a busy entrepreneur and am able to absorb and implement every chapter each week. The fun, support and sharing on the private Facebook forum is so enjoyable!! I also found with my body and mind rested I am able to find more discipline in my eating choices and it is much more apparent that stress no longer rules my life, yeah and praise the Lord!!!
One of the missing links to most Health and Wellness programs is most forget to focus on healthy souls, minds, our thoughts, and everything that floods into our bodies with that. For me personally, I absolutely love that Jessica prays with us and for us before each phone conference and that there are great devotions and a whole section in each chapter on spiritual growth. I love the changes I see in Me!!! AND I have to say, the icing on the cake is the wonderful Gift package everyone receives at the beginning of The Empowered Woman Program! Jessica, thank you for devoting so much of your life and pouring so much passion into this program and into every person you meet.”
A New Empowered Women” – Gina, 47, CA
In a nutshell, The Empowered Woman Program is a 120-day journey where you will learn 17-weeks worth of essential material for WHOL-istic healing PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, & SPIRITUALLY all founded on Christian principles. Each week you receive easy to integrate material in 3-areas of health- Body, Mind, & Soul.
The word “Empowered” means to give authority or power to someone to do something. An “Empowered Woman” is a woman who has been given the power and tools to live the life she was created to live, to fulfill the desires and passions of her heart, and to be the gift she was put on this earth to be. This will look different in each of us. Some are empowered to be the best mothers and impact their children to be the leaders of the next generation, some are empowered to be healers and doctors as they minister to others through their passion of their work, some are empowered to be teachers and to do it with all of their heart. No matter what your calling is, you can’t fulfill it if you are sick. We much too often see our friends and family incapable of living the life they have desired to live and to share the gifts they have been given because of an illness or a block mentally or emotionally that keeps them strapped down from the battle in their mind. The material in this program is designed to break those chains and tear down those barriers so you can feel free to live a life of freedom, to reach your maximum potential and enjoy every minute of your life at it’s fullest.

Each week, you will be given a PDF & Video on a topic in each 3 areas- Body. Mind. Soul.
On average, to get through all of the material per week, it will take you about 1- 1.5 hours to watch the 3 videos and read through the 3 documents, so it is not too overwhelming. Each video also has an mp3 audio you can download to put on your smartphone or ipod to listen to on the go if you don’t have time to sit and watch the video. I have designed the material and chapters in hopes that even the busiest of moms or entrepreneurial women won’t have a problem soaking in the information.
We have 1 conference call per week where anyone in the group can call in to ask any questions from the chapter that week. This way everyone learns from eachother’s questions and is able to get all of their questions answered by me personally.
Every other week each person also has the option to schedule a personal 1-on-1 check-in appointment with me to talk about any personal concerns, questions, or issues. This gives me a chance to offer extra help in any area you may need that is personalized to your situation.
I’m SO glad you asked! 🙂 I have been through my fair share of health programs, read tons of books, and talked with thousands of people in their quest for optimal health. As powerful as some of these programs were, there was always something missing for me. No matter how healthy I ate, my mental/emotional health was a mess! This was creating multiple physiological problems for me. So even though I was eating healthier than any other person I knew, I was BEYOND FRUSTRATED because I was still sick and not getting the results I hoped for. MY MIND WAS CREATING CHAOS AND ILLNESS IN MY BODY. This was when I realized how important it was to teach these two together. I also believe that each and every one of us has a deep yearning to connect to a higher power. People all over the world attempt to do this in different ways, but we ALL have this desire within us. My relationship with Jesus has rocked my world and as the Creator of the human body, I couldn’t leave Him out when talking about how to HEAL the body! The truth is that not too long ago, I was very deep into the aspects of physical health and even mental health. I was immersed in it, surrounded by others who were immersed in it, but there was no room for spiritual nourishment in that place, and I always felt unfulfilled and incomplete. Then one day it all clicked for me. The Lord was calling me to create the program I so longed for my entire life…a program focused on healing people’s ailments, restoring hope, breaking barriers, and giving people the tools they needed to be all they were created to be.
“I recommend without reservation the Empowered Woman program. It is packed with invaluable information. The information is helping me lead a healthier life for me and my family. All the resources that Jessica provides are more than well worth the investment in the program. Jessica is an inspiration and is very uplifting. I encourage anyone thinking about it to do it and be EMPOWERED to reach the fullness we were all created to walk in, this is what the program is about.”

– Bianca, 31, Florida
I have an intense passion to empower and give everything I have to help the women who are ready for this journey in their life. If this is resonating with you, I want to talk with you. I want to hear where you are and see if we are a good fit, and if so I want to get started! Our next group of women in The Empowered Woman journey will begin this month! I know the right women will be attracted to this program at this time for a reason. If this is you, please follow your heart and contact me. You have an AMAZING life ahead of you!
I will be here when the going gets tough. I will be your cheerleader, your trainer, your motivator, your teacher, and your friend. I will fight with you in the trenches and celebrate with you on the mountain tops. I will do absolutely everything in my power to get you to where you want to be. This, I vow.
The next 4 months are going to go by in the blink of an eye. Where will you be? It’s YOUR CHOICE.
In Health, Happiness, & Hope,

And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching.
~ Titus 2:7