Hey Friends!
Can you believe this is the last day of 2012? It’s incredible! Time is flying by at a crazy fast speed! I hope you all had a wonderful year full of blessings and wonderful experiences.
Now is the time we look back on what we have learned and look forward to what we want to accomplish in the future. A new year is like a fresh piece of paper, a clean slate, and we get to decide what we are going to do with it! In a time where the world seems a bit hectic and uncertain, there are ALWAYS key elements that are in our control that only we can decide. These decisions we make are some of the most important of our lives. They have the ability to dictate our future and our level of vitality and success.
As we start out this new year, i wanted to illuminate the areas that each of us DO have control over in hopes that we all will achieve an even higher level of happiness and success in the new year. We each have a calling in this life. You have unique desires, skills, & resources that were given to only you and it’s your decision what you do with those. Your response to theses simple areas can have incredible power over the rest of your life…
You have complete control over your perspective.
You have complete control over your response to situations.
You have complete control over your attitude.
You have complete control over your level of loving others.
You have complete control over your goals.
You have complete control over your actions.
You have complete control over your thoughts.
You have complete control over your words.
Looking to the future with these in mind, how and what will you change in this new year? The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. NOW is the time to shoot for the stars, believe in yourself, don’t just think about an idea, DO it! Love those around you more than ever, CHOOSE to only respond to situations in faith instead of fear, CHOOSE to be happy, CHOOSE to have a positive perspective in EVERY situation, CHOOSE to take captive your thoughts and only meditate on what is good, CHOOSE to only speak constructive words, CHOOSE to have dreams and BELIEVE in them, choose to look your fears in the face and conquer them!
I know this may sound a bit cheesy to some of you, but just imagine with me for a minute if we all did this! How DIFFERENT would our world be! BE the change you want to see in the world. A change starts with each person taking an internal look and changing themselves for the better.
We are in week 5 of The Empowered Woman program and with each week I have more confirmation that this is what I have been called to do. This group is absolutely amazing and watching other women grow, learn, become empowered, and transform their health in every way is such a privilege for me to watch. I have decided to start another group mid-January for all of you who were not able to make the first group.
NOW is the time you choose what you want your future to look like. These next four months are going to fly by just like the past 4 months have. Where will you be? Will you be stuck in your same routine, unable to progress? Or will you be at your goal, where you have dreamed to be for so long, but didn’t have the tools and encouragement to get there? This is your opportunity, will you take it?
It’s Your Choice.
I am opening up this group to just 15 women who are passionate about becoming empowered in every area of their life. 15 women who want to learn how to make their bodies invincible to disease, their minds impenetrable to negativity and depression, and their souls stronger than iron, ready to defeat the devil and all his schemes.
This is a very unique program as we go through a 120-day journey together to heal your body in a step-by-step process founded on Christian Principles. If you are ready to take this step, if you want to change the way things have been going for your life in a positive way, then email me at Jessica@JessicaLopezRN.com to schedule a free consultation.
For more information about the Empowered Woman program you can visit my page here.
Have an AMAZING 2013 everyone!!! I’m so thankful for all of you!