Busy Mom went from Victim to Victor

Tears well up in my eyes just in calling to memory the progress I have made since choosing to go through the Empowered Woman program…LIFE CHANGING!!!!

I am a 37 year old wife and mother of two (ages 7 & 4).  I work 40+ hours a week as a project manager for an engineering company, pay the family bills, make most of the meals, get the kids off to school/daycare, do most of the household chores, etc. etc.

SDocument_C13080710021In a nutshell, from a very young age in an effort to be the perfect little Christian girl, I put everyone first, held them on a pedestal  and denied myself of any feelings (besides guilt, I felt guilty about everything). The need to overdo everything and be everything to everyone came from wanting to gain acceptance of others and God and if I was lucky or perfect enough, maybe even their love.  This led to a very unhealthy relationship with food.  I reached for food to numb me, which was comforting but only for a while. As one could imagine, the scale shot up and then began the self hatred and subsequent rounds of people pleasing…why would anyone like me for me; the fat worthless slob that I was?

In 2006 I had gastric bypass surgery and lost 110 pounds.  Sure, this fixed my weight but did not address the mental or spiritual aspects behind my weight struggles. I desperately tried to fill the emptiness that I still had by doing more and more “stuff” because that was all I knew to do, but it landed me in & out of the hospital with secondary anxiety and reactive hypoglycemia because of my poor food choices.

I seriously thought I was going to die.

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I was maxed out and my body was finally manifesting physical signs in a desperate attempt to get me to slow down. I began taking steps to a more balanced diet to correct the hypoglycemic portion of the problem and then early in 2013 I attended a couple of seminars held by Jessica.  She talked about her Empowered Woman program and the body, mind, and soul connection.  I knew in the core of my being that I needed to be a part of her next group.



So, here I am, 14 weeks into the program; I have lost 12 pounds, I have not had any anxiety attacks, I feel as though I can breathe IMG_7625but most importantly I have finally learned to not only be ok with myself, but to actually love ME!!! Exactly how I am in this time. My relationships are being restored, and most importantly my relationship with my Heavenly Father. As I look back over my life I see His hand of mercy. Given the magnitude of my unhealthiness I could have landed just about anywhere but He led my choices and prepared me for this time; for complete healing. For the first time in years I am not searching for something to fill that deep void; I feel connected and at peace because I am acknowledging my feelings and needs. I am taking responsibility for where I am, not just taking the back seat and wondering how the heck I got here and blaming others on the way. I am putting into place healthy boundaries and trusting God.

Sure this could have happened regardless my choice to go through Jessica’s program but I truly believe that her program expedited the process and got me to think about things that could have otherwise taken years to arrive at. Each week she releases a section for the body, mind, and soul; the materials were easy to read and worked into my busy life. You will get out of it what you put into it, trust me!! What I love…Jessica is genuinely accessible and makes sure you get it, on a weekly basis with her group calls and personal check-ins!  She will laugh, cry, pray and work hard with you. I have never felt judged for what I didn’t know.  Her materials provide a solid foundation for taking the necessary steps towards a healthier you, in every aspect of your life…if you choose to do so.

For me, this choice changed my “victim mentality” into “victor mentality” and my life will never be the same.

 1st place


This amazing woman is such an inspiration to so many. Watching her flourish in every area of her life has been such an honor and a privilege of mine. If you find yourself frustrated and hopeless and are looking for a way out, I want to speak with you.

If you’ve been waiting for the answer to your health problems, visiting specialist after specialist to be left more confused and an empty wallet, and are looking for LASTING results that bring the FUN & VITALITY back to life, I really believe THIS is what you’ve been looking for. I’d love to talk with you!

Email me ASAP at Jessica@JessicaAubreyRN.com

Can’t wait to talk to you!!

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Hey Friends!

I just looked at the calendar and I cannot believe how time is FLYING! I am SO excited for what this month holds, there are tons of exciting things planned, ONE of the most exciting being the start of Group 2 of The Empowered Woman!!

To be honest, with my crazy schedule ahead, I’m not sure when another group after this will be starting again and I would HATE for you to miss out on this opportunity to be nourished to the core- mentally, physically, & spiritually. We are having way too much fun over here learning tools that can GREATLY impact your life and change the direction of your future!

I am NOT a sales person, I am NOT trying to manipulate or coax you into anything, I just want to get the word out to the right women who have been desperately searching for the answers to their health issues and who want to protect themselves and their families from becoming the next health statistic.

Do YOU Struggle With…

  • Hormonal Horrors such as infertility, PMS, hot flashes, PCOS, or endometriosis?


  • Digestive disasters such as bloating, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, gallbladder issues, or pain?


  • Chronic fatigue even to the point of being an autoimmune diagnosis?


  • Chronic inflammation and pain in certain areas of your body or just all over?


  • A weak immune system that has you feeling down in the dumps constantly?


  • Anxiety or depression that disables you from living a normal happy life?


  • Inability to handle stress due to chronic exposure to it?


  • Being COMPLETELY overwhelmed with all the information and opinions out there? You just want to know what’s right for you!


  • Inability to lose weight no matter what you do?


  • Mental or emotional barriers that you know are holding you back but you don’t know how to deal with them?


  • A lack of spiritual nourishment in your life?


These are just a few of the areas we cover in this comprehensive, uplifting, and effective women’s health program. I KNOW there are thousands if not millions of women out there who are looking for exactly what I have to offer in this life changing program. I’m not able to help everyone, but I am able to help YOU! Please contact me ASAP at Jessica@JessicaLopezRN.com to secure one of the final few spots left in this next group. I promise you won’t regret it!

In Health, Hope, & Happiness,



No one will work harder to get you healthy!

I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts.

~ Isaiah 57:15

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I’m Looking for 3 Special Women for a Life-Changing Opportunity

Holla to the Ladies!!!

If you’ve been following my posts, you know that in December I launched The Empowered Woman program. I am currently in week 9 with these amazing women and have gotten incredible feedback. Here are just a couple things that are being said…

“I am so glad that I made the decision to join The Empowered Woman program. It makes perfect sense- healing of the mind, body, and soul all in one program; any program that just focuses on one aspect of our lives is lacking. I hadn’t realized it, but before I started the program, I had accepted that I was going to have to live the rest of my life in pain. I had basically given up on any hope that my symptoms and my quality of life could get better. I truly believed that things were as good as they were ever going to get. For over ten years, I have struggled with the chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and nutritional deficiencies that come with Crohn’s disease.  I have had multiple intestinal surgeries and had tried every medication out there that was available for inflammatory bowel disease. My senior year of high school my doctor decided to give me a double dose of an immuno-suppressive drug, and that is what finally put me into”remission” so I could finish high school and attend college.

Ever since then, my symptoms were tolerable enough so I could function, but I still suffered from chronic abdominal pain and all symptoms I previously suffered from, but in a milder version. Although I was taking extra doses of strong medication to try and treat my anemia, I became so iron deficient and anemic that I needed 2-units of blood to restore my body. Getting out of bed each morning felt like an impossible task some days, it was hard to accept that I would have to endure another day in pain. It was no help that coupled with my Crohn’s disease, I suffer from chronic and sometimes crippling anxiety and depression.

I met Jessica first in nursing school,  and I had been keeping my eye on her activities via Facebook since graduating.  Her Empowered Woman Program caught my eye, but I have to admit, I was quite skeptical at first. With each video and article that I read about her program, it just made more and more sense to me, and I knew I had to do it. Now, I can honestly say, after only 6 weeks in the program I have never regretted joining, and I am so overjoyed that I did it. She introduced me to the Sunrider foods, and they have already benefited me so much. My nausea has diminished, my energy has increased, my abdominal pain has decreased, and I look forward to each new day. Jessica is so approachable and has a genuine friendliness and care about her that makes it a joy to learn form her. I have already gained so much knowledge and wisdom from her about taking the best care of our bodies, and how to tap into the amazing sustenance that God continually offers us. Most importantly, Jessica has restored my hope. God is working through her to do amazing things, and though her and by His grace I was reminded that Jesus our Lord is our healer, and that even things that I thought were no longer possible are through Him.” – Stacey, 25, CA


“I recommend without reservation the Empowered Woman program. It is packed with invaluable information. The information is helping me

lead a healthier life for me and my family. All the resources that Jessica provides are more than well worth the investment in the program. Jessica is an inspiration and is very uplifting. I encourage anyone thinking about it to do it and be EMPOWERED to reach the fullness we were all created to walk in, this is what the program is about.”

– Bianca, 31, Florida



I have gotten a few requests to start a new group as soon as possible, so I am happy to say that I will be starting a NEW EMPOWERED WOMAN GROUP on Monday, February 11th! Woohoo!!!!! When I was first putting together this program and formulating the structure, I was aiming to have 15 women per group. Now that I have had time to reflect on our current group of 8, I am confident that in order to give you the best of me and all the resources you need and desire, I am going to limit the group size to 5-8 women only.

This being said, I only have 3 more available spots open for this truly life-changing program and I want YOU to be a part of it! This program is NOT for everyone, so I’d love to talk with you about your goals and where you are in your health journey to see if we are a good fit for eachother. If you’re interested in learning more or speaking with me personally for a free consult, email me asap at Jessica@JessicaLopezRN.com and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

A Snapshot of What You’ll learn…

  • How to upgrade your comfort food into a nutritional powerhouse.
  • How to prepare healthy food for the entire family + TONS of easy and delicious recipes!
  • How to maximize your energy with just a few easy tweaks.
  • How to effectively and permanently manage stress to prevent it’s destructive  effects on the body.
  • How to boost your immune system to the point where you are afraid of no sickness.
  • Secrets to lasting and effective weight loss.
  • How to completely revamp and optimize your digestive system.
  • How to free yourself from depression, anxiety, and other life suppressing illnesses.
  • How to raise a healthy family
  • How to become a master at healthy traveling
  • How to detox your environment
  • How to properly, safely, & efficiently cleanse your body- If you do this wrong it is extremely dangerous!


What is Included In The Empowered Woman Program?

  • A Comprehensive Health Analysis looking at all your major body systems, nutritional intake, toxic load, mental/emotional health & more.
  • A Delux Welcome Kit LOADED with goodies to get you started
  • 17-Weeks of information to empower you to live the life you’ve always dreamed of
  • 17- Q&A Calls (1 per week) where you can call in and ask me any questions about any part of the process you are learning
  • 1-on-1 private calls every other week to talk about your personal journey and how I can support you in the process.
  • Unlimited email & text support- email or text me 24/7!
  • Membership in our PRIVATE VIP online forum where you can find additional support and build relationships with others in this same journey as you.
  • Special surprise gifts & incentives along the way!

This IS a mind-body-soul program, so I’m only looking for women who are looking to be nourished in all 3 areas. If this resonates with you, please contact me ASAP to save your spot in this upcoming program. As soon as you decide to join, we will start your comprehensive health assessment to get you started before the program even starts! I look forward to hearing from you!!




The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.

~ Proverbs 27:9

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HEY YOU! Is THIS What You’ve Been Searching For?

Hey There!

January 11th is here, and most of those New Year’s Resolutions have faded by now, leaving many people hopeless, frustrated, and further away from their goals than ever. I want to speak to a very small group of women today who want more for themselves, more for their family, and more for their life! NOW is the time that you become all that you have set out to be.

NOW is the beginning of the rest of your life.

I have been given an opportunity and a mission to recruit women who want to be EMPOWERED against life’s challenges. I’m looking for a select number of women who are SICK of failure, SICK of feeling sick, SICK of feeling hopeless, and READY to do something about it! If this doesn’t resonate with you, you can stop reading this right now. If these words are pumping you up and getting you excited about what I have to say…then please keep reading.

Tomorrow, I will be starting the 7th week of my women’s health program called “The Empowered Woman”. Only 6 weeks into the program, I have never been more ecstatic about the vision the Lord has given me to empower the lives of other women around the world.

When I was sick and searching for any source of hope and relief I could get my hands on, I would always look for the testimonies and feedback section, because to me, that is where the real proof is of whether something is what it is advertised to be. So, today, I wanted to share some feedback from the wonderful ladies who are going through this program as we speak. They all come from different places, backgrounds, experiences, health conditions, and ages. Yet, somehow they have ALL found hope, inspiration, and passion to tell everyone else why they love what they’ve seen and why everyone needs to check this program out! Read for yourself…

“Jessica has an incredible calling on her life to empower women healing wholly from the inside out. Her program is created to connect the mind, body and soul for overall wellness. She has been a change agent in helping me take hold of my health on all levels; mentally, spiritually, and physically. The complete interconnected picture. Everyday we figure out something new and move forward to thriving like never before.” – Candace, 29, CA


“I am so glad that I made the decision to join The Empowered Woman program. It makes perfect sense- healing of the mind, body, and soul all in one program; any program that just focuses on one aspect of our lives is lacking. I hadn’t realized it, but before I started the program, I had accepted that I was going to have to live the rest of my life in pain. I had basically given up on any hope that my symptoms and my quality of life could get better. I truly believed that things were as good as they were ever going to get. For over ten years, I have struggled with the chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and nutritional deficiencies that come with Crohn’s disease.  I have had multiple intestinal surgeries and had tried every medication out there that was available for inflammatory bowel disease. My senior year of high school my doctor decided to give me a double dose of an immuno-suppressive drug, and that is what finally put me into”remission” so I could finish high school and attend college.

Ever since then, my symptoms were tolerable enough so I could function, but I still suffered from chronic abdominal pain and all symptoms I previously suffered from, but in a milder version. Although I was taking extra doses of strong medication to try and treat my anemia, I became so iron deficient and anemic that I needed 2-units of blood to restore my body. Getting out of bed each morning felt like an impossible task some days, it was hard to accept that I would have to endure another day in pain. It was no help that coupled with my Crohn’s disease, I suffer from chronic and sometimes crippling anxiety and depression.

I met Jessica first in nursing school,  and I had been keeping my eye on her activities via Facebook since graduating.  Her Empowered Woman Program caught my eye, but I have to admit, I was quite skeptical at first. With each video and article that I read about her program, it just made more and more sense to me, and I knew I had to do it. Now, I can honestly say, after only 6 weeks in the program I have never regretted joining, and I am so overjoyed that I did it. She introduced me to the Sunrider foods, and they have already benefited me so much. My nausea has diminished, my energy has increased, my abdominal pain has decreased, and I look forward to each new day. Jessica is so approachable and has a genuine friendliness and care about her that makes it a joy to learn form her. I have already gained so much knowledge and wisdom from her about taking the best care of our bodies, and how to tap into the amazing sustenance that God continually offers us. Most importantly, Jessica has restored my hope. God is working through her to do amazing things, and though her and by His grace I was reminded that Jesus our Lord is our healer, and that even things that I thought were no longer possible are through Him.” – Stacey, 25, CA


There are health programs and health coaches on every corner these days, each with their own style, own experience, and their own specialty. There are AMAZING people out there who are passionate about helping others with their health and getting them back on track. For many of you, my program will NOT be a good fit. But for a select few of you, THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR. For some of you, reading these words and testimonials is causing your heart to beat a little faster, your eyes to concentrate more intensely, sense of hope to fill your spirit, and maybe even a grin starting to form on your face…something within you is telling you that THIS is where your life begins….THIS is what you’ve been searching for, for so many years.

I can honestly tell you that the reason I am SO confident in this program and the material and the way it is formulated is because if you knew the way it all came together, you would know there is NO way I could have done it on my own. I truly believe this is a Divinely inspired journey that was created for a special group of women in the world who are ready to become Empowered against the 3-D’s-Disease, Depression, & the Devil!


“I started The Empowered Woman Program six-weeks ago and at that time I had just lost my husband to cancer. I was drinking a lot and on a large list of medications which are two things that had become very familiar for 40+ years. I was also eating anything that I wanted which wasn’t much, except some of the Sunrider foods my daughter started me on.  Now six-weeks later, I haven’t had any alcohol, I am off all medications, and eating more of a whole foods diet which includes no sugar, dairy, gluten, bread, canned food, or boxed food. I am trying everything Jessica suggests. The Empowered Women program has changed my whole way of eating, praying and living.
P.S. I have a new daughter and her name is Jessica Lopez.” – Pam, 65, CA


“Hi, my name is Gina and I am loving my “Empowered Women Group”! For years I have been doing a lot right, eating healthy, making morning smoothies etc. However, I feel like there is always room for improvement and growth and I am so very thankful for Jessica’s Empowered Woman program. I finally found the missing link my body was screaming for! REST!! Yep, mental and physical rest. No more guilt for napping, resting, or not going 100 miles per hour being everything to everyone. God did not create these amazing bodies for that.

The Chapters are super user friendly and easy to follow. And it’s great that it’s not too overwhelming for us busy women. Apart from mom and wife, I am a busy entrepreneur and am able to absorb and implement every chapter each week.  The fun, support and sharing on the private Facebook forum is so enjoyable!! I also found with my body and mind rested I am able to find more discipline in my eating choices and it is much more apparent that stress no longer rules my life, yeah and praise the Lord!!!

One of the missing links to most Health and Wellness programs is most forget to focus on healthy souls, minds, our thoughts, and everything that floods into our bodies with that. For me personally, I absolutely love that Jessica prays with us and for us before each phone conference and that there are great devotions and a whole section in each chapter on spiritual growth. I love the changes I see in Me!!! AND I have to say, the icing on the cake is the wonderful Gift package everyone receives at the beginning of The Empowered Woman Program! Jessica, thank you for devoting so much of your life and pouring so much passion into this program and into every person you meet.
A New Empowered Women” – Gina, 47, CA



In a nutshell, The Empowered Woman Program is a 120-day journey where you will learn 17-weeks worth of essential material for WHOL-istic healing PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, & SPIRITUALLY all founded on Christian principles. Each week you receive easy to integrate material in 3-areas of health- Body, Mind, & Soul.



The word “Empowered” means to give authority or power to someone to do something. An “Empowered Woman” is a woman who has been given the power and tools to live the life she was created to live, to fulfill the desires and passions of her heart, and to be the gift she was put on this earth to be. This will look different in each of us. Some are empowered to be the best mothers and impact their children to be the leaders of the next generation, some are empowered to be healers and doctors as they minister to others through their passion of their work, some are empowered to be teachers and to do it with all of their heart. No matter what your calling is, you can’t fulfill it if you are sick. We much too often see our friends and family incapable of living the life they have desired to live and to share the gifts they have been given because of an illness or a block mentally or emotionally that keeps them strapped down from the battle in their mind. The material in this program is designed to break those chains and tear down those barriers so you can feel free to live a life of freedom, to reach your maximum potential and enjoy every minute of your life at it’s fullest.



Each week, you will be given a PDF & Video on a topic in each 3 areas- Body. Mind. Soul.

On average, to get through all of the material per week, it will take you about 1- 1.5 hours to watch the 3 videos and read through the 3 documents, so it is not too overwhelming. Each video also has an mp3 audio you can download to put on your smartphone or ipod to listen to on the go if you don’t have time to sit and watch the video. I have designed the material and chapters in hopes that even the busiest of moms or entrepreneurial women won’t have a problem soaking in the information.

We have 1 conference call per week where anyone in the group can call in to ask any questions from the chapter that week. This way everyone learns from eachother’s questions and is able to get all of their questions answered by me personally.

Every other week each person also has the option to schedule a personal 1-on-1 check-in appointment with me to talk about any personal concerns, questions, or issues. This gives me a chance to offer extra help in any area you may need that is personalized to your situation.



I’m SO glad you asked! 🙂 I have been through my fair share of health programs, read tons of books, and talked with thousands of people in their quest for optimal health. As powerful as some of these programs were, there was always something missing for me. No matter how healthy I ate, my mental/emotional health was a mess! This was creating multiple physiological problems for me. So even though I was eating healthier than any other person I knew, I was BEYOND FRUSTRATED because I was still sick and not getting the results I hoped for. MY MIND WAS CREATING CHAOS AND ILLNESS IN MY BODY. This was when I realized how important it was to teach these two together. I also believe that each and every one of us has a deep yearning to connect to a higher power. People all over the world attempt to do this in different ways, but we ALL have this desire within us. My relationship with Jesus has rocked my world and as the Creator of the human body, I couldn’t leave Him out when talking about how to HEAL the body! The truth is that not too long ago, I was very deep into the aspects of physical health and even mental health. I was immersed in it, surrounded by others who were immersed in it, but there was no room for spiritual nourishment in that place, and I always felt unfulfilled and incomplete. Then one day it all clicked for me. The Lord was calling me to create the program I so longed for my entire life…a program focused on healing people’s ailments, restoring hope, breaking barriers, and giving people the tools they needed to be all they were created to be.



“I recommend without reservation the Empowered Woman program. It is packed with invaluable information. The information is helping me lead a healthier life for me and my family. All the resources that Jessica provides are more than well worth the investment in the program. Jessica is an inspiration and is very uplifting. I encourage anyone thinking about it to do it and be EMPOWERED to reach the fullness we were all created to walk in, this is what the program is about.”

– Bianca, 31, Florida






I have an intense passion to empower and give everything I have to help the women who are ready for this journey in their life. If this is resonating with you, I want to talk with you. I want to hear where you are and see if we are a good fit, and if so I want to get started! Our next group of women in The Empowered Woman journey will begin this month! I know the right women will be attracted to this program at this time for a reason. If this is you, please follow your heart and contact me. You have an AMAZING life ahead of you!IMG_1054

I will be here when the going gets tough. I will be your cheerleader, your trainer, your motivator, your teacher, and your friend. I will fight with you in the trenches and celebrate with you on the mountain tops. I will do absolutely everything in my power to get you to where you want to be. This, I vow.


The next 4 months are going to go by in the blink of an eye. Where will you be? It’s YOUR CHOICE.

In Health, Happiness, & Hope,




And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching.

~ Titus 2:7

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7 Simple Steps to Your Healthiest Year Ever

Happy New Year!!

It seems like just yesterday we were in the 90’s and now we’re in the teenage years of the 2000’s!! It’s so bizarre to me how fast time flies!

Today is January 1st. I LOVE firsts! I love new starts, clean slates, & new beginnings. The past is the past and we have a chance to do something different this year to get an even better outcome than the past year. Remember, the definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Here is an example of how commonly this happens: Every January 1st it’s possible that you make the same New Years Resolutions…lose weight, stop smoking, eat healthier, exercise more, etc… and every year that lasts for about 1 week until you decide it’s too hard and psych yourself out of working at your goals, making yourself feel better by assuring yourself you’ll do it next time. Every year you follow the same pattern and you get the same result…by the time December 31st comes around you have only increased your bad habits and are kicking yourself for not achieving what you set out to do. You can’t get a different result with the same pattern, right? So, let’s DO something about it this year!

This is the first and only 2013 we will ever experience! You have a chance TODAY to make it the BEST year of your life! It doesn’t matter if your 13, 33, 63, or 83, if you want to reach your goals, YOU CAN! Only YOU can get in the way of your success.

Whether your main objectives are for your job, finances, family, achievements, or relationships, none of this can be enjoyed without your HEALTH. In this day and age, HEALTH IS WEALTH!

There may come a day where it may be very difficult to go to the doctor, get medication, or rely on any other medical crutch we tend to use. NOW is the time to get prepared, to learn how to take care of yourself and your family and be ready for anything that may come your way. We have learned over and over again by celebrities that you can have all the money in the world, but if you don’t have your health, it doesn’t matter. Steve Jobs was a perfect example of this. He had access to anything and everything he could get his hands on, but in the end, tragically his health failed and he could not enjoy his incredible empire he created.

Make this year a year of ABUNDANCE in every area and focus on healing your mind, body, & soul at the core!

Here are 7 Simple Steps to Your Healthiest Year Ever!


  • “Eating clean” can mean many things depending on one’s interpretation, but it is quite simple. I like Micheal Pollen’s quote: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” It sums it up quite perfectly I believe! If you need a bit more guidance, here are the top foods to avoid:
    • Sugar, Gluten, Dirty Dairy, Processed Foods, non-organic & pastured animal products, GMO’s, Farmed Fish, artificial sweeteners, the dirty dozen of produce, and anything packaged. 🙂


  • We all know exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle. January 1st, the gyms are packed with new members trying to start of the year right. The KEY to remember is consistently. This isn’t a phase of life, it’s a lifestyle. Exercise should be something you ENJOY that your body CRAVES! It is something we should be doing multiple times per week and never something we dread. Coming from someone who almost lost her leg, I can tell you that exercising is a privilege for sure! Make a habit out of it and you will be glad you did! My FAVORITE forms of exercise are the Beach Body Programs. I am currently doing Insanity and LOVING it! For more information, check out the programs here.


  • This is one of the most important things we can do to live a full life! Imagine if EVERYONE had a positive perspective in every situation. Your perspective is YOUR choice and cannot be dictated by anyone else. Having a positive outlook on life will dramatically impact every ambition you have for the better, whether that’s weight loss, finances, your career, relationships, anything!


  • I know it’s cliche…everyone tells you to drink more water and you know you need to, but it’s SO TRUE! Many illnesses can be traced back to one simple thing-dehydration. You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water, so for someone who weighs 160 lbs, they should drink 80 oz of water, which is 10-8oz glasses, not the 8- 80z glasses that is typically recommended. When you’re looking for what kind of water to drink, here are some key things to remember:
    • Spring Water is always best- go to www.findaspring.com to see if there is a natural spring near you! This water is extremely healing!
    • If going bottled always look for BPA-Free bottled water. Here are some brands: Neo, Essentia, Mountain Valley Spring Water.
    • If you have Reverse Osmosis water, be aware that it has been completely stripped of everything so it has no mineralization and can pose certain health risks. You must add minerals to this kind of water. Go to your local health food store to find some good options.
    • If you’re bored with water as I often get, try adding lemons, berries, cucumbers, orange slices, stevia, or drinking herbal teas.


  • We have a problem that are grandparents and great grandparents never had to worry much about- Environmental toxins. Did you know that there are now more than 80,000 chemicals in our food supply alone? That’s INSANE since not 1 chemical is actually a food source! I know it can be overwhelming to think about all we are exposed to, but taking it one step at a time to clean up your family’s environment is a great place to start. Remember our skin is our biggest organ. Whatever we put on our skin goes directly into our blood stream. That being said, you better make sure all that goes on your skin is edible! 🙂 It’s also important to start strengthening your body and transitioning from harmful medications to natural alternatives. I am able to work directly with my clients on their body’s specific needs to help with this transition. Here are some key areas to clean up in this new year:
    • Shampoos, soaps, lotions, face wash, shaving cream, makeup, toothpaste, laundry detergent, cleaning products, perfumes, hair products, non-stick cookware, air fresheners, etc.
    • An amazing resource you need to check out is www.EWG.org.


  • I am a HUGE Sunrider fan. Why? Because these foods have completely changed my life. When something changes your life you want to share it with everyone! Coming from someone who has a medical and holistic education, very clean diet, exercise routine, and healthy lifestyle, that is saying a lot! In all my years of research I still have never found anything comparable to the Sunrider Foods, there is nothing out there like it! There are tons of protein shakes, supplements, Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs, superfoods, etc. All of these are great things, but they still are nothing like the Sunrider Foods! To learn more about these incredibly nutrient dense & super easy to integrate foods, and to watch my video on how they have impacted my life, visit my page here. I truly believe this is the biggest bang for your buck you can get and will incredibly maximize your healing process!


  • And finally take a look at your stress levels. Stress is our health’s worst enemy. No matter how much broccoli and quinoa you eat, if you are chronically stressed and have not found a healthy way to manage it, it’s going to work against you in everything you try to do. Interestingly enough the above 6 strategies will dramatically help with your stress levels. Exercise, eating clean, and a positive perspective can do loads of good! Changing your perspective alone has the capability to completely eradicate any source of stress! Look around your life and see what things may need to be changed or eliminated in order to have more peace and less stress. Doing so can do you a world of good. Here are my favorite stress managing techniques:
    • Exercise, deep breathing, EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique, journaling, praying, meditating/visualizing with guided visualizations or peaceful music, stopping what I’m doing and praising the Lord in thankfulness :).


There you have it friend! 7 Steps that could have a wonderful impact on your life and your mission in the world. We are all here for a specific purpose and my purpose is to help you stay strong so you can live out your calling! If you find all of this overwhelming and need someone to encourage you through this process, I would love to talk with you! We can create a specific plan just for you to maximize your results in the quickest amount of time possible. You can email me directly at Jessica@JessicaLopezRN.com.

Don’t forget ladies, I will be starting a new group in “The Empowered Woman” journey mid-January! THIS WILL BE THE LAST DISCOUNTED PROGRAM. After this next program, The cost of membership will go up to it’s original price. Remember, this is a 4-month journey together with 1-on-1 support the whole way. My mission is to empower you with everything you need to know to defeat what I like to call the 3-D’s- Disease, Depression, & the Devil! At the end of this Mind, Body, Soul journey you’ll know exactly what you need to do to live a life of freedom!

Have an amazing 2013 you guys!!! Thank you for doing what you do and living out your purpose in the world. Let’s optimize every day of this next year together, shall we?

In Health, Happiness, & Hope,


I rejoice in your word like one who discovers a great treasure.

~ Psalm 119:162

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What Will Your 2013 Look Like?

Hey Friends!

Can you believe this is the last day of 2012? It’s incredible! Time is flying by at a crazy fast speed! I hope you all had a wonderful year full of blessings and wonderful experiences.

Now is the time we look back on what we have learned and look forward to what we want to accomplish in the future. A new year is like a fresh piece of paper, a clean slate, and we get to decide what we are going to do with it! In a time where the world seems a bit hectic and uncertain, there are ALWAYS key elements that are in our control that only we can decide. These decisions we make are some of the most important of our lives. They have the ability to dictate our future and our level of vitality and success.

As we start out this new year, i wanted to illuminate the areas that each of us DO have control over in hopes that we all will achieve an even higher level of happiness and success in the new year. We each have a calling in this life. You have unique desires, skills, & resources that were given to only you and it’s your decision what you do with those. Your response to theses simple areas can have incredible power over the rest of your life…

  • You have complete control over your perspective.

  • You have complete control over your response to situations.

  • You have complete control over your attitude.

  • You have complete control over your level of loving others.

  • You have complete control over your goals.

  • You have complete control over your actions.

  • You have complete control over your thoughts.

  • You have complete control over your words.

Looking to the future with these in mind, how and what will you change in this new year? The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. NOW is the time to shoot for the stars, believe in yourself, don’t just think about an idea, DO it! Love those around you more than ever, CHOOSE to only respond to situations in faith instead of fear, CHOOSE to be happy, CHOOSE to have a positive perspective in EVERY situation, CHOOSE to take captive your thoughts and only meditate on what is good, CHOOSE to only speak constructive words, CHOOSE to have dreams and BELIEVE in them, choose to look your fears in the face and conquer them!

I know this may sound a bit cheesy to some of you, but just imagine with me for a minute if we all did this! How DIFFERENT would our world be! BE the change you want to see in the world. A change starts with each person taking an internal look and changing themselves for the better.

We are in week 5 of The Empowered Woman program and with each week I have more confirmation that this is what I have been called to do. This group is absolutely amazing and watching other women grow, learn, become empowered, and transform their health in every way is such a privilege for me to watch. I have decided to start another group mid-January for all of you who were not able to make the first group.

NOW is the time you choose what you want your future to look like. These next four months are going to fly by just like the past 4 months have. Where will you be? Will you be stuck in your same routine, unable to progress? Or will you be at your goal, where you have dreamed to be for so long, but didn’t have the tools and encouragement to get there? This is your opportunity, will you take it?

It’s Your Choice.

I am opening up this group to just 15 women who are passionate about becoming empowered in every area of their life. 15 women who want to learn how to make their bodies invincible to disease, their minds impenetrable to negativity and depression, and their souls stronger than iron, ready to defeat the devil and all his schemes.

This is a very unique program as we go through a 120-day journey together to heal your body in a step-by-step process founded on Christian Principles. If you are ready to take this step, if you want to change the way things have been going for your life in a positive way, then email me at Jessica@JessicaLopezRN.com to schedule a free consultation.

For more information about the Empowered Woman program you can visit my page here.

Have an AMAZING 2013 everyone!!! I’m so thankful for all of you!



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Love Yourself As Your Neighbor

Today’s post is aimed at a very specific group of people. This won’t apply to everyone, but for the people it is relevant for, today could be a powerful moment in your life.

Today, I’m speaking to those of you who are victims of abuse…from yourself.

Those of you who daily speak damaging words to yourself, tell yourself you’re a failure, you’re not good enough, you’re too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, too light-skinned, dark-skinned, etc. Do these statements sound familiar?…

  • I hate my body, why can’t I be thin like the other girls?

  • I hate my job, I feel like my life is such a failure.

  • I will never been good enough to get a job/salary/house/spouse…like them.

  • My body doesn’t work right, its broken, I will always feel sick.

  • I can’t believe I messed that up! I’m so stupid!!

  • Nobody loves me, everyone hates me, I should just go away.

  • Ugh…I am so fat! No one will ever love me, and why should they, I am gross!

  • I am so ugly, I hate the way I look.

  • I’m going to fail this test.

  • I’m not good at anything! Why am I even here?

These statements are pretty intense, but there’s a good chance that you have said something similar to yourself, and possibly on a daily basis. I know I have damaged my body and mind in this way numerous times over the years.

Whether you are a Bible reader or not, almost everyone has heard the verse, “Love your neighbor as yourself”. The truth is that no one will take care of you as well as you can. No one knows our feelings, thoughts, needs, like we do ourselves. Normally, we take care of ourselves better than others, so this Bible verse is helping open our eyes to the fact that we need to treat others as we want to be treated. This verse helps us to understand what Jesus is teaching as we all know how we want to be treated. Everyone wants to be loved, respected, and cherished, and through this verse, we understand we need to treat others with the same kindness.

In our day and age, we have a unique problem that is progressively getting worse, and that is SELF DESTRUCTION. This is especially true in women. The enemy (aka the devil) has come to steal, kill, and destroy. In women, he is especially effective at destroying our confidence, our sense of feeling beautiful, and our self-worth. Can I get an Amen?

For some of us, if we were to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, our neighbors would be pretty pissed!

Think about all the things you say to yourself on a daily basis. Now, imagine saying those things out loud directed at someone else! Yikes! Do you ever tell your inner self “I love you”? I know that may sound foreign to you, but why not? Loving yourself is not cocky, conceded, or arrogant. In fact, when other people have these attitudes of arrogance, 99% of the time it’s because of lack of self-confidence. Loving yourself is not arrogance, it is one of the BEST things you can do for your health!

I am reading a book right now by Louise L. Hay, called “You Can Heal Your Life“. AMAZING book and probably unlike anything you’ve ever read about health. Louise believes that nearly all state of dis-ease in the body comes from a lack of self-love. She also believes that any lack in life- finances, love, success- also stems from a lack of self-love. Obviously this is a very basic statement, and the book goes into much more detail, but this theory has a lot of merit to it, and many specialists have proven this to be true over the years as they continue to heal disease & cancers by addressing mental/emotional factors.

Think about it, if you love your body, you’ll take care of it- you’ll put healthier foods into it, you’ll exercise more, groom it better, you’ll feel better, be happier, and meditate on being, feeling, doing good.

If you loathe your body, you’re in an abusive relationship with yourself. You’ll end up putting junk into it, damaging it with hateful words, you most likely will hate exercise, and you’ll be stuck meditating on all the negative things in your life.

You attract into your life what you focus and meditate on. Those are two VERY different lives stemmed from one simple difference- their perspective and the way they love themselves.



I want you to take notice of how you’re treating yourself today. Stand in front of a full length mirror and look at yourself with eyes of love and appreciation. Tell yourself “I love you”, “Thank you for working so hard and doing a million things per second to keep me alive. I promise to love you a little more each and every day, because you were created PERFECT.” Maybe write down all your thoughts that you have towards yourself so you can reflect on what’s really going on. We all have an inner child within us. This isn’t voodoo, hocus pocus, new agey philosophy, it’s reality. Talk to yourself as if you were talking to a 3-year-old. If a 3-year old fell down, would you kick them while they’re down, call them a failure, and tell them that no one will ever love them because they fell? OF COURSE NOT! You’d help them up, dust them off and tell them to try again, keep going, they’re doing great!

SO MUCH WILL CHANGE if we can do this one simple thing. I know you can do it! Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Let me know how it goes!

Have a beautiful Sunday everyone!


“One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”

“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

Mark 12:28-31


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The Empowered Woman

I am SO excited to announce the launching of my revolutionary program, “The Empowered Woman”! For all you women out there, you have to check this out! This program will rock your world- in the BEST way possible!

To learn all about it, CLICK HERE!

There are only 15 spots available and they are already starting to fill up! Save your seat now!

I’m excited to talk with you!



Want to hear what others are saying? Check out the TESTIMONIALS section here!

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